[SOLVED] Where can i find Colorful A320 Bios update?

Jun 14, 2020
I've been trying to find the website where I can download a Bios Update for Colorful A320M-D Plus YV14. But their website seems to have no information about this.

I'm getting the Thread Stuck in Device Driver BSOD, and BIOS Update is the last Troubleshooting Step. I've done all that I can do to resolve this. If BIOS Update is done and I still get this BSOD, I can conclude already that there's something wrong with the Hardware.

Anyways, if you have Colorful A320 Motherboard and you found the site, it will be very much helpful if you can share it with me. Thank you guys!
Click on the "Technical Support" tab Here

Please make sure the motherboard model shown on that page is the same as yours before proceeding , because the model name you typed is slightly different (eg your typing doesn't say Battle Axe).
Hey, so what was your fix? I have been getting the "thread stuck in device driver" error too. I visited the site which too hasnt been secured properly. So please let me know. I have the same motherboard as yours.