Where the heck are the Big Bang Bars ???

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Kim@IllinoisPinBall.Com wrote:

> Gentlemen and Ladies of RGP,
> I would like to take a moment to address a few of the criticisms and
> misconceptions surrounding the BBB project.
> First, PMI is not intending or attempting to keep information about the
> project a secret. While the idea of a private forum was my [Kim's]
> idea, it was not intended to prevent the information reaching RGP or
> other venues.
> The intent behind creating a private forum was to provide a place for
> the perspective BBB owners to get updates and chat without enduring the
> unending stream of criticism that normally erupts whenever the BBB
> subject is raised.
> Everyone knows that there are/were more than just the so-called
> "trusted circle" viewing the forum. This was viewed as a non-issue
> since the information was not intended to be secret in the first place.
> Second, the departure of the BearCave guys was unfortunate and
> regrettable.
> They had done a wonderful job, and PMI was able to pick up where they
> left off. Although I don't have an exact shipping date yet, the games
> _will_ be completed.
> Finally (and on a lighter note), is it to late to get in on the pool,
> Pinlicious? ;)
> Kim
Thanks for the update, Kim. We welcome all that you and your family are
doing to bring Big Bang Bar to fruition. Some people (myself included)
are jealous that we didn't get in on the ground floor.

Why don't you make the forum viewable for all of us ? Then we could at
least see the progress you are making on the game- aren't most message
boards equipped with a "view-only" function ? It's not like anyone has
tried to hack the site, gain unlawful entry, or anything, have they ?

-Officer Francis Llewellyn 'Ponch' Poncherello


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)



"hemispheres" <hemispherespins@aol.com> blathered in message news:1125813828.636151.75560@g43g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)


Thanks for the update. Even though I didnt order one, or even know
someone who ordered one...I am still interested in the project, as the
game is pinball history and maybe some day I will be able to afford

All this "secrecy" business is silly in my opinion. Whenever someone
asks how things are coming around here, the answer is usually something
like "those who need to know are fully informed". Why dont you add a
page to your new website, with a status blog...so that we all know thw
progress? It could simply be text, and wouldnt have to be fancy. In
addition to people like me, I am sure there are plenty of folks who DID
pay money that just dont have the time to call and bug you for the
updates, that would appriciate such easily accesible info on the web as

Thanks again for the news...

Barry - NY (A casual observer)


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

>of you said, give me a bag of parts and I'll do it, ... no problem.

If the games had been offered originally in a kit form complete, with
assembly required for $2K or less, I think I would have opted IN. No
regrets or jealousy as I still think $4K is too much to give up
indefinitely for unknown quality. For $1800 or so I would've risked it.

Kim, please don't think I've turned on you. I still hope everything
turns out for the best for you and your company(ies) does nothing but
improve. I know you personally have bent over backward numerous times
to help many people and we appreciate it. Frustration, speculation and
self-serving boistrousness sometimes gets the best of all of us. I'd
still like to meet you at a show one day! :)



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"chuck" <chuck@digitalsystemsgroup.com> wrote in

>> Only a small handful in the world will be able to tell that tale. 'Easy
>> to see why some stain the waters with envy and gelousey.
> envy? jealousy? um, ok... I love this guy. I have one and you dont
> na na na na na na.... (lol)

Well, it's at least _possible_ at this point. Likely is up for debate (no,
let's NOT go there again), but it's certainly not _im_possible.


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29. Joseph A. 'Tony' Dziedzic Sep 4, 11:29 am show options

Newsgroups: rec.games.pinball
From: ton...@comcast.net (Joseph A. 'Tony' Dziedzic) - Find messages by
this author
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 15:29:21 GMT
Local: Sun, Sep 4 2005 11:29 am
Subject: Re: Where the heck are the Big Bang Bars ???
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original | Report Abuse

Barry, from my viewpoint (as someone who did order a BBB from PMI), the

primary issue is NOT secrecy, it's the fact that EVERY thread that
starts out
specific to BBB degenerates into IPB / Gene / PMI / BearCave bashing.
If I
want to find out some information on the game I don't want to wade
through the
inevitable noise that pollutes every BBB-related thread.

The reason Bob & Steve started the "members only" BBB forum was to
provide a
source of information about the game that had a reasonable signal to
ratio - unlike r.g.p. While I think your idea of a status blog is
it would invariably require *some* time taken away from something else,

leading to more complaints about IPB / PMI / Gene.

The best news I've heard about BBB recently (I spoke with Kim a few
days ago)
is that Churchill has FINALLY delivered cabinets.

Joseph "Tony" Dziedzic

YEAH, like the cabinets not being there was the ONE thing holding up
the WHOLE project ;-)

so now IPB gets to store cabinets while they wait to have assembled
playfields PUT IN THEM ;-)

Pinlicious ( ...there is no spoon.)


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21. K...@IllinoisPinBall.Com Sep 2, 5:34 pm show options

Newsgroups: rec.games.pinball
From: K...@IllinoisPinBall.Com - Find messages by this author
Date: 2 Sep 2005 14:34:23 -0700
Local: Fri, Sep 2 2005 5:34 pm
Subject: Re: Where the heck are the Big Bang Bars ???
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original | Report Abuse

Gentlemen and Ladies of RGP,

I would like to take a moment to address a few of the criticisms and
misconceptions surrounding the BBB project.

First, PMI is not intending or attempting to keep information about the

project a secret. While the idea of a private forum was my [Kim's]
idea, it was not intended to prevent the information reaching RGP or
other venues.
The intent behind creating a private forum was to provide a place for
the perspective BBB owners to get updates and chat without enduring the

unending stream of criticism that normally erupts whenever the BBB
subject is raised.

Everyone knows that there are/were more than just the so-called
"trusted circle" viewing the forum. This was viewed as a non-issue
since the information was not intended to be secret in the first place.

Second, the departure of the BearCave guys was unfortunate and
They had done a wonderful job, and PMI was able to pick up where they
left off. Although I don't have an exact shipping date yet, the games
_will_ be completed.

Finally (and on a lighter note), is it to late to get in on the pool,
Pinlicious? ;)

IPB had the first guess kim, the day y'all promised BBB's would
ORIGINALLY be delivered ;-)

i thought that date was just a COMPLETE fantasy and started the pool to
see if anyone had and psychic powers. so far, i think you guys have
managed to eliminate close to 50 people (1/2 the list!

at the rate you guys are going there, i think myself, lloyd and the
7-10 people at the bottom of the list have the best shot at winning the

feel free to submit another date if you like, but can you really handle
being wrong twice on a destiny YOU control? ;-)

Pinlicious ( ...there is no spoon.)
(who thinks his NEVER date -MAY- be in danger, but still has 50-50 odds
at this point ;-)


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)


You guys just don't "get it" do you? Pinlicious was right all along, and
most of you should be screaming for your money back right about now but
because of your love of pinball, you're letting the Pied Piper of
Bloomington play his little tune, and lead you down a horrible path.

Do you "REALLY" believe that the BBBs, if built at all, will be done so
professionally? Let's see, you say they received the cabinets, so WHO's
going to install all those decals on them? Do you know how hard it is to
even "install" a set of cabinet decals, and not screw up something,
wrinkles, air bubbles, misalignment, etc? Kim can't install them, the
Bearcave boys won't be doing it. Do you think the cabinets will be prepped
properly and smooth? Do you really think that Gene will properly pay a
"qualified" person to do all these important tasks?

BBB's if ever produced, will be "third rate" at best, ... and not something
that the average anal collector would want in their gameroom. You're about
to witness one of the biggest fiascos in the history of pinball! You guys
bitch and moan about a small scratch, or defect that wasn't disclosed on a
game, yet think that BBB's will be perfect?, .. and well worth the wait?
Stern manufactured games will be a Perfect Ten compared to the BBB's. One
of you said, give me a bag of parts and I'll do it, ... no problem. Yeah
right, ... and the next CH restoration delivered will be the 'original'
machine, some cleaner, a box of rubbers, and a gallon of paint!


ps, .. I believe that you only have one year from the date you paid a
deposit via Credit Card to request a return and cancellation, ... and get
your money back.

"Ken" <ken.ostromek@remove_nospam_sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> Valentines Day..2/14/2006 Wouldn't that be sweet for this group....


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

Yet another......


(Now do ya'll understand the private forum?)

"Lee Jarman" <ljarman@mail.anonymizer.com> wrote in message news:k2GSe.33154$Tf5.18807@newsread1.mlpsca01.us.to.verio.net...


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

Barry, from my viewpoint (as someone who did order a BBB from PMI), the
primary issue is NOT secrecy, it's the fact that EVERY thread that starts out
specific to BBB degenerates into IPB / Gene / PMI / BearCave bashing. If I
want to find out some information on the game I don't want to wade through the
inevitable noise that pollutes every BBB-related thread.

The reason Bob & Steve started the "members only" BBB forum was to provide a
source of information about the game that had a reasonable signal to noise
ratio - unlike r.g.p. While I think your idea of a status blog is excellent,
it would invariably require *some* time taken away from something else,
leading to more complaints about IPB / PMI / Gene.

The best news I've heard about BBB recently (I spoke with Kim a few days ago)
is that Churchill has FINALLY delivered cabinets.

Joseph "Tony" Dziedzic

In article <1125844387.152702.180630@g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>, "Barry -
NY (Backglass@gmail.com)" <Backglass@gmail.com> wrote:
>Thanks for the update. Even though I didnt order one, or even know
>someone who ordered one...I am still interested in the project, as the
>game is pinball history and maybe some day I will be able to afford
>All this "secrecy" business is silly in my opinion. Whenever someone
>asks how things are coming around here, the answer is usually something
>like "those who need to know are fully informed". Why dont you add a
>page to your new website, with a status blog...so that we all know thw
>progress? It could simply be text, and wouldnt have to be fancy. In
>addition to people like me, I am sure there are plenty of folks who DID
>pay money that just dont have the time to call and bug you for the
>updates, that would appriciate such easily accesible info on the web as
>Thanks again for the news...
>Barry - NY (A casual observer)


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

What bugged me about the "private" forum was that their
concerns about outsiders bashing the project would have been
addressed by simply making the forum public but allowing
posting only by registered members. And Bearcave could
choose to only register actual BBB purchasers, if they wished.

I didn't order a BBB, but I requested permission to access the
Bearcave forum and I promised not to post if they requested it.
I never received a reply.

I've done the same thing for the pinball.com forum, and the only
reply I got was an automated reply asking for my serial number.


"Joseph A. 'Tony' Dziedzic" <tonydz@comcast.net> wrote in message
> Barry, from my viewpoint (as someone who did order a BBB from PMI), the
> primary issue is NOT secrecy, it's the fact that EVERY thread that starts
> out
> specific to BBB degenerates into IPB / Gene / PMI / BearCave bashing. If
> I
> want to find out some information on the game I don't want to wade through
> the
> inevitable noise that pollutes every BBB-related thread.
> The reason Bob & Steve started the "members only" BBB forum was to provide
> a
> source of information about the game that had a reasonable signal to noise
> ratio - unlike r.g.p. While I think your idea of a status blog is
> excellent,
> it would invariably require *some* time taken away from something else,
> leading to more complaints about IPB / PMI / Gene.
> The best news I've heard about BBB recently (I spoke with Kim a few days
> ago)
> is that Churchill has FINALLY delivered cabinets.
> Joseph "Tony" Dziedzic
> In article <1125844387.152702.180630@g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
> "Barry -
> NY (Backglass@gmail.com)" <Backglass@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Thanks for the update. Even though I didnt order one, or even know
>>someone who ordered one...I am still interested in the project, as the
>>game is pinball history and maybe some day I will be able to afford
>>All this "secrecy" business is silly in my opinion. Whenever someone
>>asks how things are coming around here, the answer is usually something
>>like "those who need to know are fully informed". Why dont you add a
>>page to your new website, with a status blog...so that we all know thw
>>progress? It could simply be text, and wouldnt have to be fancy. In
>>addition to people like me, I am sure there are plenty of folks who DID
>>pay money that just dont have the time to call and bug you for the
>>updates, that would appriciate such easily accesible info on the web as
>>Thanks again for the news...
>>Barry - NY (A casual observer)


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

Yes, I *do* believe that the BBBs will be built, and that they will be done so
with at least the same level of attention to detail that Williams or Stern has
ever paid when producing games - and in fact, quite a bit more, based on the
amount of work Bob & Steve did getting all the artwork produced. I don't
think anyone realistically expects a perfect collector quality game - I
never did. But you've never seen one of those fresh out of the box from
Williams, and you'll never see one fresh out of the box from Stern, who is
often accused here of "third rate" artwork and quality control.

I do happen to know how hard it is to install a set of cabinet decals, and
after speaking with Kim this past Friday I'm quite confident the person who
does that work (no one directly associated with IPB or PMI - Kim mentioned
their name) will do a good job.


In article <k2GSe.33154$Tf5.18807@newsread1.mlpsca01.us.to.verio.net>, "Lee
Jarman" <ljarman@mail.anonymizer.com> wrote:
>Do you "REALLY" believe that the BBBs, if built at all, will be done so
>professionally? Let's see, you say they received the cabinets, so WHO's
>going to install all those decals on them? Do you know how hard it is to
>even "install" a set of cabinet decals, and not screw up something,
>wrinkles, air bubbles, misalignment, etc? Kim can't install them, the
>Bearcave boys won't be doing it. Do you think the cabinets will be prepped
>properly and smooth? Do you really think that Gene will properly pay a
>"qualified" person to do all these important tasks?
>BBB's if ever produced, will be "third rate" at best, ... and not something
>that the average anal collector would want in their gameroom. You're about
>to witness one of the biggest fiascos in the history of pinball! You guys
>bitch and moan about a small scratch, or defect that wasn't disclosed on a
>game, yet think that BBB's will be perfect?, .. and well worth the wait?
>Stern manufactured games will be a Perfect Ten compared to the BBB's. One
>of you said, give me a bag of parts and I'll do it, ... no problem. Yeah
>right, ... and the next CH restoration delivered will be the 'original'
>machine, some cleaner, a box of rubbers, and a gallon of paint!


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

"Lee Jarman" <ljarman@mail.anonymizer.com> wrote in

> You guys just don't "get it" do you? Pinlicious was right all along,
> and most of you should be screaming for your money back right about
> now but because of your love of pinball, you're letting the Pied Piper
> of Bloomington play his little tune, and lead you down a horrible
> path.

Aren't you like 18 months late on this? Or, at the very least, about
five? (i.e. everyone who's in already sent their money -- ALL of it)

> BBB's if ever produced, will be "third rate" at best, ... and not
> something that the average anal collector would want in their
> gameroom. You're about to witness one of the biggest fiascos in the
> history of pinball! You guys bitch and moan about a small scratch, or
> defect that wasn't disclosed on a game, yet think that BBB's will be
> perfect?, .. and well worth the wait? Stern manufactured games will
> be a Perfect Ten compared to the BBB's. One of you said, give me a bag
> of parts and I'll do it, ... no problem. Yeah right, ... and the next
> CH restoration delivered will be the 'original' machine, some cleaner,
> a box of rubbers, and a gallon of paint!

There are a number of qualified people who -could- pull off assembling
the game from a bucket of parts. I'm a bit surprised it wasn't offered
this way. (But not entirely.)

With that said, unless the cabinets were knocked down and shipped flat,
it'd be fairly difficult to do so. The shipping would be much the same
as a fully assembled game.

> ps, .. I believe that you only have one year from the date you paid a
> deposit via Credit Card to request a return and cancellation, ... and
> get your money back.

That just means you can't take the easy route via a credit card. You can
still take the "hard" route via a class action, if it should become


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35. Poncherello Sep 5, 2:39 am show options

Newsgroups: rec.games.pinball
From: Poncherello <d...@cox.net> - Find messages by this author
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 02:39:54 -0400
Local: Mon, Sep 5 2005 2:39 am
Subject: Re: Where the heck are the Big Bang Bars ???
Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show
original | Report Abuse

So ? What's your beef, man? So what if they get produced and people
like 'em, or don't like 'em? You seem to be on some sort of sick
mission to insult, downplay, and generally malign either BBB itself,
repro manufacturer, or both. Since as far as I can tell, you didn't
order one, and you've made your opinions clear on the subject perhaps
59,813,185 times, why do keep agonizing on about it?

Here's a thought- you should take 5-10 minutes to mentally compile all
of your thoughts and feelings regarding "Big Bang Bar", IPB, and Gene
Cunningham. Take pen to paper. Then pin the note to your foot and
yourself from the 2nd floor banister of your- I mean, your mom's house.

Believe me- there's no better way to get your message across.

-Officer Francis Llewellyn 'Ponch' Poncherello
if you know how i feel about it and yet you choose to read my posts,

here is a thought, post under your real name and take some credit for
your sobbing, pissing, and moaning of others. until then, stay scared
shivering behind your keyboard CHiP-boy ;-)

Pinlicious ( ...there is no spoon.)
(who would probably post less on bbb if the clowns at ipb wouldn't stub
their toes so often when TRYING to run a pinball business.)


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

So ? What's your beef, man? So what if they get produced and people
like 'em, or don't like 'em? You seem to be on some sort of sick
mission to insult, downplay, and generally malign either BBB itself, the
repro manufacturer, or both. Since as far as I can tell, you didn't
order one, and you've made your opinions clear on the subject perhaps
59,813,185 times, why do keep agonizing on about it?

Here's a thought- you should take 5-10 minutes to mentally compile all
of your thoughts and feelings regarding "Big Bang Bar", IPB, and Gene
Cunningham. Take pen to paper. Then pin the note to your foot and hang
yourself from the 2nd floor banister of your- I mean, your mom's house.
Believe me- there's no better way to get your message across.

-Officer Francis Llewellyn 'Ponch' Poncherello

Koz Pinlicious wrote:
> YEAH, like the cabinets not being there was the ONE thing holding up
> the WHOLE project ;-)
> so now IPB gets to store cabinets while they wait to have assembled
> playfields PUT IN THEM ;-)
> Pinlicious ( ...there is no spoon.)


Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

> Pinlicious ( ...there is no spoon.)
> (who would probably post less on bbb if the clowns at ipb wouldn't stub
> their toes so often when TRYING to run a pinball business.)

the BIG business question everyone at IPB is pondering this week, ...
Are Podiatrist visits covered under the current medical plan?



Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

>IPB had the first guess kim, the day y'all promised BBB's would
>ORIGINALLY be delivered ;-)
>i thought that date was just a COMPLETE fantasy and started the pool to
>see if anyone had and psychic powers. so far, i think you guys have
>managed to eliminate close to 50 people (1/2 the list!

Actually, that date and the threat of getting the money quick without a
"contract" seemed like good bait to get people to have blind faith and
sign up. It seemed to have worked just fine.

>Pinlicious ( ...there is no spoon.)
>(who thinks his NEVER date -MAY- be in danger, but still has 50-50 odds
>at this point ;-)

You know, The biggest hurdles that I saw for the project:
getting all the parts (seems to have been done)
getting all the boards (got 'em)
getting a decent PF (looks pretty good)
getting all the cabs (got em)
getting the game put together (not yet)

The way I see it the tough parts are done. The assembly is hard, but
not as tough as the work to get to this point (IMHO). The games will
get made. When???? not even PMI knows.
