Where were you on 9/11/2001?

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I lived near my school, and remember not being in school, as they gave us the next day(s)? off, seeing the school empty, and feeling somehow the world had changed for the first time in my young life
I was in 1st grade, and also remember seeing lil John John as they called him, showing the funeral, and wondered how terrible it must be not having a dad

On my way to work at a hospital in Dallas, TX. Not exactly downtown but still a possible target depending on the scale of the attack. Got to work and stayed the entire shift glued to the news. The events just didn't seem possible and I was in the USAF in the late 70s.

Well, I was doing a job in LA, which was a target that was thwarted as we learned later on, or at least LAX was.
My home at the time was Baton Rouge Louisianna, which is where 3/4 of all oil is processed in the country, starting at Baton Rouge, going all the way down the Missippi river to the coast, so it too was a possible hot spot.
I wasnt in fear, I was mad and sad for those who died, yet proud of the people who helped
Not me I am in ATL and there are many other areas that I would think they would have hit on 9/11. Now today, because of the changes in security ec.,t I think that any gathering of people is at risk. A slight risk, but I think those who want to hurt us are not able to conduct coordinated large scale actions therfore smaller attacts will occur.
I somewhat agree with this too.
Tho, I think after a few, like seen in Europe, it becomes a hardened scenario by the people, and once again, theyll have to go for the outragious/spectacular etc

They want a bragging point for recruiting, monies etc
Regariding the fear factor, there was a lot of fear going on about getting on a plane after 911 and the chance it would happen again. After 911, My wife cancelled a highly anticipated upcoming business trip to Hawaii that had been planned and reserved much earlier in 2001. My kids were going along and it was to be their first time to Hawaii. They finally made it there last year, 2009. I didn't go due to staying behind to manage the business. I'm like Superman.
There are at least seven contributors to this thread that experienced JFK's assassination in way or another. And yeah JDJ it was like the world had changed in that very instant. I think the adults of the time were shocked and the sadness of the whole thing was immense. The 60's, been there done that.
Wow Twoboxer a sophomore in college on 11-22-63. I wasn't a sophomore in high school until '71 two years before Nixon resigned due to Watergate. That little bump in history filled my senior year with all the more fun already having the reality of Vietnam and the draft to deal with. My wife and I made tenative plans to visit the Nixon library in the next two weeks or so if were not too tired. Hey do you remember hearing FDR saying "a day which will live in infamy." I reckon you would have been born approximately two years after He said it unless you were held back several years in grade school. :)

No. Missed Viet Nam. Spent 12 years in Germany looking eastward.

On a happier note, I was there when [strike]the Berlin Wall came down[/strike] the Germans tore down the Wall.
@badge: Born 1946 . . . I guess my dad finally got some somewhere around VJ-day lol. I managed to avoid a couple years of grammar school. Yeah, the draft was a life-influencing factor for us back then. I went from 2S (student) to 4A (married, child) avoinding 1A status but signing my whole life away instead of "just" two years :) From my age/perspective, what transpires in government today makes Watergate look almost benign.

"Discovered" computers in a 1965 Numerical Methods class using a General Precision LGP-30. They've been a constant companion all these years.

@jsc: Agreed, that was unbelievable to watch, and experience.

My mother-in-law (German-Polish) had come to America when she was 16. After the wall fell, we brought her back for her first visit at age 80, a long car tour through Germany and Poland. Tears of sorrow and joy in abundance, and all around us too.

We came back into West Germany the day they closed Checkpoint Charlie down. Still have the photos and the passports/visas lol.
sitting in my dorm room with the door open and a dumb founded look on my face as people started piling into my room just as the second plane hit...

What about oklahoma city? Just got off the bus from school and saw casualties being drug out of the wreckage... Also a big moment that some people forget...
I was digging post holes for road sign when we took a break we heard it on the radio...we thought it was a joke...oh how wrong we were...then i got to thinking what if the buildings fell surely they would end up falling like a tree.... instead you get a symetrical collapse from assymetrical damage......and nothing but dust??????????????????????????????????????????? Me thinks something fishy...can you say thermidic reaction from Thermite followed up with precision timing charges anyone?? Oh well, we may never know.
I was leaving the house to go to work. I saw the first tower smoking when I saw a plane hit the second tower. I was then really late for work. I watched both towers crumble to the ground, panic, dust, dirt, crying,anger, people dead and dying, mass confusion.

Edited to remove material I spoke about before.

I was in Istanbuul in our offices of an American company. The company logo went down from the lobby of the building the day after and security checks on entering the building went up. I watched the whole thing on ABC with peter Jennings with utter disbelief.
A year later I was back in Istanbuul and I remember clearly being troubled by the fact I was checking into my hotel and besides me were what clearly appeared to be British RAF officers in full fatigues in prepapration for the Iraq invasion doing the exact same thing. I remembered thinking, the company has put me in the wrong hotel!
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