Where were you on 9/11/2001?

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I was driving in to work listening to WTOP (news radio) when the first reports of a "small plane" crashing into the north tower were aired. When the 2nd plane crash report came in a bit after 9AM, I immediately thought 'terrorist attack', esp. when the corrected news reports stated that it was a 767 that crashed into the north tower, not a "small plane".

After parking my car at my office building in Crystal City (less than a mile from the Pentagon), I immediately went up to a fellow supervisor's office who had a TV, and we channel-hopped with a growing crowd outside his door.

When the third plane crashed into the Pentagon, we were ordered to evacuate the building and go home. By that time, the entire area was gridlocked as the police were not letting any vehicles near the Pentagon, which basically shut down I-395 northbound. So instead of sitting in my car going nowhere, a bunch of us went to a sports bar to watch CNN. I could smell the smoke from the Pentagon fire. When I finally decided to leave around 1PM, tt took me until 7PM before I got home, cell phone not working due to system overload, wife & parents concerned.

Three weeks later I was one of the first 3 people from my company to fly on official business (recruiting trip to Puerto Rico). Guess I was the most expendable 😛. While on U. of Puerto Rico's Mayaguez campus, we got reports of the initial operations against the Taliban, so we decided to cut the trip short and return home.

Some of my friends were recruiting in California on 9/11, and had to rent a car and drive back to Washington as all flights were grounded. One guy got so tired of the other he actually drove off at a gas station, leaving the other guy stranded 😀. Of course he eventually thought it over and returned to pick up the 2nd guy, but they didn't speak to each other for the remainder of the trip.
I was at school on 9/11. My teacher got an email from her husband who worked at the Pentagon about the attack. She let us know about it ASAP, however the Principal,et al decided not to tell the entire school until about 1 hour later.
Walking my dog on a beach in South Carolina . . . when a woman came running up to me and asked if there was a chapel on the island. I told her where, and asked why.

She said "Because with what's happening now, I need to pray for our country." and she ran off.

Puzzled, I went home, told my wife, and we decided to turn on the TV . . .
I was also in school that day- high school. I recall sitting in class when another teacher walked in, said turn on the TV and we saw it all- the second plane, etc... For the rest of the day we just sat watching the news coverage on TV. I was also quite worried about my grandfather at the time as well, as he was in the Capitol building when it happened.
I was getting out of school. I was in 3rd grade at the time. I turned on TV, looking puzzled that there were no cartoons on, so I switched to news, there it was, one tower burning...

I live in Minsk, Belarus.
I was installing NG lines in Toronto and went to the truck for a smoke break and heard the news about the small plane hitting the first tower.
Funny thing was as i walked from the house to the truck 3 or 4 F-18's flew overhead quite low a rare occurence in Toronto.
One thing I still remember - while sitting in that sports bar watching CNN, a bunch of fresh-out-of-college employees from my company were at another table, drinking beer and joking and partying despite the somber news and images on the various TV screens which they ignored. I guess they were happy to get a day off from work. Felt like walking over and shouting at them to shut their g-d yaps and show some respect.

Some people are just plain clueless...
I was at home sick, my wife called me on the phone from work and asked me if I was watching TV and I said no, she said I'd better turn it on something bad has happened, when I turned on the TV, I was about 3 min away from the second tower being hit, spent the next 3 days in shock, literally.
I suspect that a vast majority of Americans were in shock and spent hours with their jaws on the floor in front of the TV. It's amazing how in comparison to the Pearl Harbor Attack of 1941 that almost everyone in America knew about the incidents of 9/11 almost instantaneously instead of a day or even days later in comparison to 1941.
11-22-63. I was in third grade when a lady from the office came sobbing into my classroom and informed my teacher John F. Kennedy had been assassinated. The next day school was closed. I sat in front of our black and white TV screen and watched on in utter dumbfoundation as Jack Ruby assisinated Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV right before my eyes. The true facts of what happened is still an ongoing story. The government will reveal the truth about what occured behind the assassination to the public in 2030 (I believe), but I'm not entirely sure the date is accurate.
I watched 911 unfold and cancelled the rest of the day to watch the CNN live story.

I was in shock like many ... it was traumatic for my kids too.

I was trully amazed at hom many emergency, fire and police fought the smoke, falling debris and dragged so many others to safety ... and sadly, how many lost their lives trying.

We won't forget. We will stand with you.
At work in the UK, planning to fly into NY and onto minneapolis on the next Sunday. Ready to go to a sister plant on the monday. Naturally the corporation stopped us flying for a lot longer than the airspace was closed, even though we suggested using the corporate jet :)
I worked for a major airline reservations dept that did not lose any airplanes that day. I had just finished my midnight shift and had stayed to participate in a "Valuing Diversity" class for management. Some one interuputed our class (any plane incident gets our attention) to inform us. After the second plane hit and "everybody" knew what was going on we went into the work areas to help the repesentatives on the phone. Of course helping the customers was our responsibility, wondering if any of our planes were involved, wondering about the other airlines employees, families,friends, wondering about the people on the ground......I can remember it was an eternity of time before the operations areas could confirm that all of our planes were accounted for and on the ground.

I left around 3 pm went home to try to sleep lol and back to work at 10p. Like others, in a state of shock for days.
I am no longer at the airline but my wife is. 2 economic downturns and 9/11 have really hurt the airline industry.

god bless

You have to realize, back in '41 there was no Internet and the TV media was nothing like the current TV media. It's amazing how fast we can get latest news via the web esp. the likes of BBC,etc RSS feeds. IM, e-mail,etc also probably moved the story a LOT faster than the typical newspaper.
laying on the couch drinking chocolate milk.
I had planned on going to new york the start of September
but wen skiing in Feb instead. An ex girlfriend I hadn't seen in a year called my house to make sure I wasn't in new york.. I remember that day very clearly..
it was almost as if it really wasn't happening very surreal
I am happy if people post where they were or what they were doing on the day, (as per the OP's topic) but I will close this thread if the conspiracy theorists get out of hand, or if someone tries to make fun of it, or drag any religious discussion in ... at all.

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