Which 800mhz model works with M2N-E at full latency?


Jul 4, 2007
I'm tired of reading manufacturers listing all "compatible" ram and then they run crippled because of voltage issues etc.

What modules will run full optimized 800mhz latency for a Asus M2N-E mobo.....1.95v max

Any hints from Kingston HyperX or Corsair would be a blessing if someone can suggest it for me. I'm looking for a 2gig dual channel kit that will run flawless at 800mhz @1.95 volts and CL4 timings.

If I cant get that, is CL5 800mhz RAM worth it? or should I get a better mobo that WILL run ram at higher volts? PLease suggest other mobos if you can too. The M2N-E price is good but I don't know anything outside of Asus. Can a Gigabyte mobo run hotter voltages for ram?
Can't find any kits that are rated as cas4 with only 1.9v.... some of them say 1.9-2.1v, so I wouldn't risk it. If you haven't bought that motherboard yet, then I'd get a different one. What CPU will you be using, and what is your price range?