Which card is better and will it work with my comp?

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Mar 11, 2012
This is my current computer gonna be upgrading soon but this graphics card will probably be for both computers, i was wondering which card is better for me http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5598652&CatId=7387 or http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2042280&CatId=7387 ?
My current computers specs:
Ram = 4GB DDR3
Graphic Card Support = PCIe
Monitor resolution = 1920x1080
Os = Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition (build 7600), 64-bit
CPU = AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 635 Processor
Cpu Speed = 2.9 GHz
Power supply = 300w
Of the 2 cards, I would say the Sapphire one as the other one(MSI) has GDDR3 vs GDDR5(Faster!) Unless it is a typo, that is why it cost less.

I dident even notice GDDR3 if thats the case go GDDR5 one
At those settings how would a 7750 cope?

I mean a 7770 will fall well under 30 fps at full settings at 1920 x 1080 so you will need to turn down the settings quite a bit and then video ram does not help.

If you start to push over that screen resolution then yes.

System ram is another beast all together.

Since i do not know of any reviews of the 2gb gddr5 7750's here is something with a bit more power.


I am not trying be an ass or anything, I just do not think mid level cards with lots of vram are at all worth the cost.
Truly depends. I mean if you don't have the funds to buy your 7850.7950 or 7970 with more then 1 gig of ram surely when you run into a game with more then 1 gig of ram usage you will hit a brick wall. However at the same time you won't be getting higher then high in some areas and medium in most with a 7750.
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