I just wanna stick with a high-speed JEDEC memory kit.
There is no such thing. It does not exist. They do not MAKE high speed JEDEC kits. Especially not this early in the life of a new memory architecture. It took years for DDR4 to reach even 3200mhz native speeds and that was only on the higher end chipsets with higher end CPUs.
As I said before, the fastest native memory speed you will find supported, on 13th Gen Intel platforms, is DDR5 5600. That is it. There is nothing faster and there is not going to be until a newer platform is released that MIGHT give it another small gradual bump in native memory speed support but that is not a feature of the memory kit. It is a feature of the platform. So it makes literally NO difference whether you get a kit that supports the absolute fastest DDR5 available or one that is only 5600mhz. If you go with this platform and are unwilling to run the memory at the XMP profile then that is it. Period.
And for Ryzen 7000 platforms that number is 5200mhz. Period. There is NOTHING out there, at all, period, that supports native memory speeds of higher than 5600mhz, for Intel 13th Gen (And that is probably only on it's i5 or i7 and higher models PLUS that depends on how many DIMM slots the board has and how many DIMMs are being run. If you run two DIMMs in a board with four slots it's going to run at an even slower speed. If you run four DIMMs it's going to by default run a bit slower than that, by design.) and 5200mhz for AMD 7000 series platforms which based on prior architectures probably incur the same speed reduction penalties when more DIMMs are installed.
So the bottom line is, you are going to be SERIOUSLY hamstringing your performance potential over unfounded fears of problems that don't exist and won't ever happen UNLESS there is some other problem which needs to be resolved, which I outlined above. And for the record, the link you posted above, that guy had one of the problems I listed above almost certainly but you'd never know or be able to argue it because the guy was a complete idiot and lacked even the basic sensibility to not say he had a "Ryzen 5 system", which could have been either a first or second Generation Zen product, neither of which EVER supported DDR4 3200mhz worth a crap even all the way at the end just before Zen 2 was released. So his problems were because he chose to go with memory that was poorly, or not at all, supported on his platform. It had literally NOTHING to do with running the memory at it's XMP profile.
So if you want to avoid running XMP your only options are 5600mhz (Or slower, depending on how many DIMMs are installed) for Intel IF you choose a 13th Gen product or 5200mhz for AMD IF you choose a Ryzen 7000 series platform, and the same potential for reduction in speed will be probable for AMD as it is for Intel based on how many modules are installed.
And for the record, contrary to what somebody above stated, from the best information I can find the memory controller for DDR5 is NOT on the module, ONLY the PIMC which controls memory power rather than requiring the motherboard to do so, is located on the module. The memory controller is still in the CPU and it would have to be because the same processors for 12th and 13th gen Intel platforms support both DDR4 and DDR5 motherboards and they could not do that if the MC was not still in the CPU because DDR4 does absolutely not have anything related to the memory controller on the memory itself.
I gotta tell you. I've built hundreds, maybe even a thousand systems that supported XMP memory profiles and not one of them has ever had ANYTHING like what you are afraid of happen to any of them. So long as you select memory that is fully compatible with the motherboard and CPU you choose, and install them in the correct slots depending on how many DIMMs you choose to install, and make sure that ALL of the memory comes TOGETHER in one kit, and install everything correctly, and choose a good quality kit from a highly reputable manufacturer (Again, I recommend sticking to G.Skill, Corsair or Crucial, as those are the absolute best companies when it comes to memory quality and reliability, plus they offer very good compatibility information for memory kits based on exact motherboard model), you will never see a problem like you suggesting unless there is one of the problems I outlined in my earlier post in the mix.
It just does not happen without one of those factors involved and I don't care what you or anybody else says about it. I assure you, I am very experienced with memory configurations and systems building. I am not a memory engineer by any means, but I, like many others here, have more than 35 years experience building systems and I very much am not speaking to you out of my ear hole.