Which graphics card is better for under $100?


Jan 3, 2013
Hello PC gamers out there! I'm buying a new Graphics card and I'm having some trouble figuring out which one is better for under $100... So that being said my current card is a Nvidia Geforce 210 1gig ddr3...sad I know. I want something that will be able to play games like Bioshock infinite, Far cry 3 and Crysis 3 on HIGH or at least medium settings. Now I don't know if I should go to Compusa(Tigerdirect) or buy it online doesn't matter to me anyway here are the 3 cards that I am currently looking at...LINKS Below:



You won't be able to do Bioshock Infinite or Far Cry 3 on high with these cards. You'll need at least a 660 ti for Far Cry 3 and BioShock infinite. Plus, it would be good to know your machine specs. But the low down is, you'll be paying upwards of $300 for a card that can do that. Truth hurts.

Don't forget that there are some Buttons that slide to the left and give a Increase in performance. 😉
You'll be able to play those games at low settings.
I wanted to mention the XFX CORE Edition HD 7770 GHz Edition 1GB 128-bit GDDR5 it is $129.99, but $109.99 after $20 rebate if you can live with that.


Free Shipping and Two Year Warranty, pretty good deal.

Of course, your power supply needs a 6 pin connector for this HD 7770.

If your gaming, your going to be disappointed with the cards you listed.

Tom's Hardware Graphics Card Hierarchy Chart is a handy reference:
whats the diff between DDR5 and GDDR5? okay so im o tiger direct and im looking at GDDR5 from price low to high I dont know which one to pick i want the best one for at least under like 120$
Of course, the link above for the Galaxy Geforce GTX 650 is also 89.99, and comes with a free copy of AC3... I guess GTX 650 for Nvidia and radeon hd 6770 for AMD. Thats just my opinion.