Which is better for PC Gaming a 22" LED FULL HDTV or 22" LED MONITOR


Sep 4, 2014
Hello guys, I want to purchase a display for my gaming rig, please tell me which is better,

Purpose - Gaming only,

i got confused between an 22" FHD LED TV (philips 22 PFL 3758 )and 22" LED Monitor (DELL S2240L)

YES a 22" is the size i want coz i sit too much closer to the display while gaming,

can u guys suggest me which 1 is better as pr the refresh rate and response lag i mean TV or a MONITOR .

well its Not limited to this two models only,any better suggestions are welcome

If you want to watch TV on it, just buy a TV then. Just get one that's 60Hz (not 120hz), make sure it has a game mode and you'll be good to go.

Honestly, I doubt you're going to notice input lag unless you're really susceptible...
A monitor is usually considered better since they are designed with lower response times.

TV's tend to have a lot of image processing and things which introduce input lag. They do however usually have gaming modes which removes some r all of that.

If you want a monitor for gaming, look into a good "TN" monitor with a 5ms or less response time.

Look into something like this...

$130 21.5"

$162 24"

TN = faster response time, smoother gameplay
IPS = slower response time, less smooth gameplay, better colors

I have both, and I have to say that after gaming on IPS and TN monitors, I'll never pick a IPS monitor for gaming again.

You should also mention your budget.
@ chargeit & envy14tpe

Yeah i am totally agreed with TN and IPS difference, but i am more focused on TV bcoz i can use it with my cable to watch programs movies and tv series when mnot gaming.

but i heard that any FHD 1080p TV can only be able to play with max 30 FPS..!! if its true then TV will no longer be useful for me bcoz my rig(With R9 280x dual) managed to run BF4/blackflag @ 65 FPS with Ultra settings @1920*1080.

i google it but didn't find anything useful so can u clear my doubt

5ms is about 60% more responsive than 8ms, and it seems like that's where most of the difference is, as lower than that it seems to get exponentially harder to notice. I switched from a 5ms screen to a 2ms screen, and tbh I barely noticed a difference in response time, it wasn't at all significant. 5ms or below should be fine. After playing on a 5ms IPS and a 2ms TN, I actually regret replacing my IPS panel even though it was only 1440x900. The difference in color reproduction matters a lot more than response time once you get to the ~5ms range.

If you want to watch TV on it, just buy a TV then. Just get one that's 60Hz (not 120hz), make sure it has a game mode and you'll be good to go.

Honestly, I doubt you're going to notice input lag unless you're really susceptible to it. I have friends that refuse to buy anything but TV's for their gaming rigs. If you're even considering a TV, then I say you aren't the type of person who is going to really notice, or be picky about the difference.