Which is the best card for 1440P 144Hz 60FPS gaming?


Oct 12, 2016
Hello everybody,

My question is which card is worth waiting and buying and it will be enough for 1440P 144Hz 60fps gaming at max settings. GTX 1070 / GTX 1080 Ti or Volta? I know 1070 is the sweet spot for 1440p resolution but it seems that it's kinda not enough to max out the newest games at 60FPS. (Currently with a GTX 770 2GB paired with i7-4770 3.4GHz). And should I consider upgrading the CPU aswell to i7-7700k Kaby Lake when it comes out?

Angel S.
Currently, the 1080 would be the best card for 1440p / 144hz.

That said, if you get a gsync monitor, a 1070 would be plenty, unless you really must be around 144fps in everything.
why would you want to game with 60 fps on a 144 Hz screen????
the 1070 can max out all games to date at 1440p/60 FPS
with a 144hz screen you'd want 144fps though
so the GTX1080 would be the better choice

as of now there's no confirmation in a 1080Ti so it won't be out before easter IF it comes out

waiting for the new set of AMD cards could be reasonable though