Which is the best Laptop among this refurbished one?

Sep 1, 2020
I was given short notice that my work was switching from paper to electronic charting so now I need to buy a laptop quickly on a budget. I know a little about computers but not much. Which one of these would be the best:


I would use it for the web, YouTube/video, maybe some pics, and word documents. I do not want to spend above 30000rs that is why I went with refurbished, but other suggestions are welcome. Thanks for any input or suggestions.
the best of the 4 you listed is the HP Probook. in terms of whats under the hood, its has the newest processor of the list. the Dell has the same CPU, but half the RAM for the same price. The other two have older CPUS (2 and 4 years older) less memory (the same 4GB as the dell) and smaller hard drives

I'd rank them:
HP Probook
Dell Latitude
Lenovo Thinkpad
HP EliteBook