I personally doubt Kinney even meant to cause any harsh words.
Heck, I know he liked to provoke me into a debate in the CPU forum even though he really isn't intending anything wrong or mean! Kinney's an angel...
And BTW maturity does not = intelligence
Of course, but I don't think I did imply that (unless you directed this only towards Kinney). You could have somehow who may not excel well at school but may be a wise person. I think an easy example of that fact is Flamethrower205 here. Sometimes the guy's intelligence eats his brains out and brag mode is enabled!
As for your statement on being mature in reality, I'll believe you, purely because I have my own philosophy. However that doesn't detract from the fact you displayed a show of immaturity and ignorance when it came to accepting who "won" the case contest according to audience voting. That hurt my respect towards you by a magnitude.
Keep on building your self-esteem and don't get provoked for nothin', like in the thread with the guy who named you by yer name.................LEE!!! :tongue:
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<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Eden on 08/03/03 11:42 PM.</EM></FONT></P>