Question Which Power Supply should I choose? (Budget of under $70 CAD)


Sep 28, 2018
Hello everyone, i'm currently looking for a Power Supply that can handle a i7 2600 and a RX 570. My budget is under $70, preferably to be around $50. I just got the DA500 from Deepcool and I just realized it was the worst PSU out of all of the other options at my local computer store. Man, my hands really like that 80+ BRONZE Sticker. Anyways, I was looking at the PSU Tier list and I got a few options to choose for a replacement to the DA500. That PSU costed me $49, and the first option I found was a VS650 for ONLY $49 (Canadian). The next one was a CX450M PSU (Also $49). My more expensive option was the Thermalttake Smart BX1 550w RGB for $65. First of all, I need the Power Supply to last for about 5 Years and be sufficient enough for the i7 2600 and the RX 570, also sufficent headroom for upgrades. I researched on the forums and most of them gave them recommendations to buy like a Seasonic/ Superflower/ FSP power supply, but looking at Newegg and my Local Part store they are like $90 for like the lowest wattage ones. If there are any other recommendations of power supplies I should look at please tell me. Thanks!
Both MemEx and CanadaComputers have a $15 rebate on the CX550M, slightly inferior, but still good quality.
After rebate though, you're at $70.

There;s a few options you could use if you had to, but given the CX450 is within budget, I wouldn't consider anything else.

Is my Canada Computers website glitched? The rebates show and then don’t show and show again..

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