Question Which SSD to choose for gaming ?

Sep 10, 2023
Hi guys, I am very new to storage devices and I would like to know which SSD is better for gaming purposes only

The first one I saw within my price range is a
Crucial MX 500 500GB 6.35cm (2.5inch) SSD costing 3,059 INR or 36.75 USD
Samsung 870 EVO 500GB 6.35cm (2.5inch) SSD (MZ-77E500) in a price of 3,400 INR or 40.84USD

Thanks in advance.
Hi guys, I am very new to storage devices and I would like to know which SSD is better for gaming purposes only

The first one I saw within my price range is a
Crucial MX 500 500GB 6.35cm (2.5inch) SSD costing 3,059 INR or 36.75 USD
Samsung 870 EVO 500GB 6.35cm (2.5inch) SSD (MZ-77E500) in a price of 3,400 INR or 40.84USD

Thanks in advance.
The performance will be equivalent. Either of them will be fine, IMO.
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Between those two, I'd get the Samsung drive though just to bring one matter to mind, please look at a larger capacity drive like 1TB since games these days are growing larger in size.
Sir, I only play Dota 2 and CS 2 , so I think i'll stick with 500 or 512 GB, but if there is any difference between the 500gb and 1tb version such as performance or longevity I would like to know about that.
but if the performance margin is low (for example like only 5% better) I'd still buy the 500GB
Depends on budget, also depends on needs.

If you already have one as your boot drive, buy another larger one and put your games and programs and projects on that. I started with two 500gb sata ssds, a Hynix gold and a wd blue in my gaming computer. When I had more money and needed more space I got a 1tb Samsung Evo M2 nvme. My boot drive is the hynix gold.

I've used crucial mx ssds in several other builds. Tossed pny ssds into old laptops their grandparents had discarded for friends kids that needed something with a keyboard.

Name brand doesn't matter very much, so long as you get one of the six or seven known decent name brands. Check the reviews and specs to make sure they don't have a particularly high failure rate, and that they have dram, and then buy what you can afford.

In the USA, 500gb should be $30-45, depending on weekly sales and which manufacturer. 1tb $50-110. And the highest price isn't necessarily the highest quality. Some weeks the price is 20% over what it should be for weird marketing and sales reasons.
exactly what i was wondering about, the other replies were also on point, but I like how you point out such details and commonsense and buying tactic. tysm.
exactly what i was wondering about, the other replies were also on point, but I like how you point out such details and commonsense and buying tactic. tysm.
One last question, what if I buy a 2tb for OS drive and also include installing games and another 1TB for backups and important file .

was wondering about that cause the OS drive and separated game drive are always both running and does that make their life cycle to end a bit sooner ?
There are minor differences in read/write specifications. I wouldn't pay much attention to that.

The Samsung has a TBW rating of 300 compared to 180 for the Crucial. I wouldn't pay much attention to that.

Drive life is unknown. Either or any can fail at any time. All you can do is be prepared.

There is an argument for putting the OS on one drive and data on another....I do that, but there is no over-riding reason to prefer one method over another.