Which windows is best for gaming

Nope, once you are on 10 you stay on ten, for free, forever. No reverting back
No, that's false information. If you make the upgrade to 10 from 8.1 or 7 within the first year it is a free upgrade forever. Only if you wait beyond the year will you find it costs you.

Correct. Free upgrade to 10 within in the first year.
And absolutely nothing has been explicitly stated about the ability of 'reverting back' to 8.1 or 7.

If they are promising free updates for the lifetime of your device I don't understand why you think you'd need to revert back after a year as the other chap suggested? You might be able to voluntarily revert back, but you won't be forced to, as it says, they've promised usage and updates for the lifetime of your device, not until the end of Year 1 then you've got to but it.

Ah..I misread the post you replied to.
You are absolutely correct...you will NOT revert back, ever. Unless, maybe, you really want to.