Question White crumbs/marks on cpu PINS

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Apr 1, 2019
I took my cpu out to reapply thermal paste when I noticed there were white dots/smudges on the actual pins themselves. It kind of reminds me of powdered calcium or dried toothpaste. What would be a safe way of removing them / should I bother removing them?



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Your description sounds like dried out thermal paste. Some might of oozed its way down onto the pins over time or maybe some got on the pins during installation.

Most thermal paste is not electrically conductive but the material could obstruct the pins from making contact with what it needs to depending on where the paste is on the pins. If its a very thin amount at the base of the pins (as in where the pins physically "connect" to the processor) it might not cause any problems but if its further down on the pins its probably a good idea to clean it off.

As far as cleaning it off goes, I got paste on my processor pins at one point. I found success with buying a new, unused soft bristle tooth brush (the soft bristle part is important), put a small amount of 70% or higher isopropyl rubbing alcohol into a bowl, wet the tooth brush with the rubbing alcohol, tapped the brush on the bowl a few times to get off the excess alcohol and very, very, veeeeeeeeeeery gently got the paste off the pins using the bristles. Remember, you're getting paste out of pins, not brushing your teeth. Gotta be extremely gentle. One broken or bent pin could possibly ruin your processor.

Then I made sure to let my processor sit for a good hour to let it completely dry. 70% or higher rubbing alcohol evaporates quick but I let it sit to be safe.
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