[SOLVED] White noise/hissing from in-ear headphones


May 12, 2014

I have KZ ZSN PRO earphones. I'm listening to music from Spotify on my Lenovo P2 Android phone. My ears are so sensitive that I can't stand the disturbing distortion. When it is too quiet and I lowered down the volume, it is more unbearable. The hissing is less when I plug it to my PC though.

The earphone has:

• Sensitivity: 112dB
• Impedance: 24Ω

That might be the reason according to some Reddit posts due to the low impedance and high sensitivity.

So, some people suggested that I should get "iFi iEMatch" adapter


But I can't afford it since I live in a failed state in terms of economy and currencies.

Other cheap solutions are to get an earphone impedance adapters which I only can get from China. Importing is also a big issue here though, due to the import fees/penalties, taxation and nonsense regulations.


I am thinking about getting a cheap micro usb to aux connector or a USB sound card since my phone supports OTG , if those are gonna solve my issue.

My ears are so sensitive that I can even hear buzzing noise of chargers, coil whining of an elevator, high frequency sound of an old tube televisions etc. I hope I can get a cheap solution to my earphones because the price per ratio is great for me and I can't afford another pair for a long time.

Thank you.
A portable dac/amp may help you but prices on those are as much as that adapter that you can't buy, or more. Only one for cheap I see that may work for you is this https://www.newegg.com/p/0TH-01MV-00031?item=9SIAGX387B9434&nm_mc=knc-googleadwords&cm_mmc=knc-googleadwords-_-headphones and accessories--smsl audio--9SIAGX387B9434&source=region but I can't even tell if it has a micro usb cable for phone connection or just on the device. Many for USB C or iPhone connection but not for a micro usb.

Another option is to use a bluetooth adapter on the headphones which may be the best solution, this is a good cheaper one...
A portable dac/amp may help you but prices on those are as much as that adapter that you can't buy, or more. Only one for cheap I see that may work for you is this https://www.newegg.com/p/0TH-01MV-00031?item=9SIAGX387B9434&nm_mc=knc-googleadwords&cm_mmc=knc-googleadwords-_-headphones and accessories--smsl audio--9SIAGX387B9434&source=region but I can't even tell if it has a micro usb cable for phone connection or just on the device. Many for USB C or iPhone connection but not for a micro usb.

Another option is to use a bluetooth adapter on the headphones which may be the best solution, this is a good cheaper one https://www.amazon.com/FiiO-uBTR-Bl...HV4YXA0D2G7&psc=1&refRID=Q8ZBRBQRFHV4YXA0D2G7 I used several of those types of adapters (I own a FiiO BTR3 and a few others), they work great and good quality sound.
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