[citation][nom]jaquith[/nom]Google Maps - You simply don't remember back a couple years ago or even earlier when new streets were missing and you had to use Yahoo or Microsoft Maps. Google Maps are fine now from all of the efforts of their 300+ employees plus all the user feedback to fix Google's problems. Apple already fixed most of if not all of these errors listed in this article. Apple's on top of it and frankly from an App standpoint the Apple's is better than the prior version from Google. My NAV is built into my car so frankly I not concerned about this nit picking. The only reason I'm even addressing this article is because I'm tired of all of the Apple Trolling. So if you want a Korean phone then get the Galaxy or if you like Apple then this is nothing to be concerned about. Let Google's Android track you in your sleep, spy on every single thing you do, and have total access all of the data listed in the Google Play. Hey it's your choice.[/citation]
You act as if Apple doesn't pull that invasive crap too and as if Google didn't list Maps as a beta until they fixed things up whereas Apple released it as a finished product, something that it obviously was not. Calling Apple out for their screw up isn't trolling, although I'll concede that many Tom's members do go as low as trolling about the subject.
Also, what have you got against South Korea? Your word choice implies that there's something wrong with South Korea. Besides, I doubt that many people at all buy Samsung phones and tablets with their relation to South Korea being a key factor in their purchase choice.