its very dependent on games. you can play counterstrike at 30 fps and ytou will get kills but playing the same game at 120 fps on a game that ties its packets to the frame rate will often make you more accurate than the guy playing at 30 fps who is getting 30 packets as opposed to your 120.
you are getting 4 times the amount of information which should result in you being able to see him first most of the time.
after reading most of this i can honestly say console players have very little idea of how hardware works. how games transfer data between host and players. this isnt there fault as its all been hidden away from them in the GUI's
console gaming isnt as smooth as pc and it isnt locked at 30 fps. if you played alan wake you would know this. its 1 of many titles that have severe jittering and thats going from 30 fps to 25. on pc you would hardly notice that 5 fps drop on a pc game running at 60 fps dropping to 55, and if your playing at the optimum settings for your card you should be getting 60 fps anyway.
sorry to say it but console gamers just dont understand gaming. like i said its not there fault because there so used to not seeing under the hood. you will see women claim the same when there cars run out of oil... uh! it needs oil... you didnt tell me that... well now she knows she still doesnt put the oil in...
consoel gamers=women... end of story 😉
Yeah you're right, I had no idea that packet data was related to graphical frame rate, that also makes zero sense, why would your graphical performance alter the network bandwidth used? I'm happy to be wrong on this, but I'm gonna call that one as rubbish.
Saying that console gaming isn't as smooth as PC is just stupid though...not implying YOU are stupid...but that statement is, because console hardware is a constant, and the games are designed to run on that specific constant...that doesn't apply to PC, unless you're saying my APU is on par with a Titan graphics card. Plus my example earlier is proof of that point, Blood Dragon is stuttery on PC (i'll define that as MY PC) compared to on console.
You don't need to understand the underlying mechanics of a game to appreciate it in a similar way that most PC users have no concept of how their computer actually works...yet they appreciate it...granted a few of the PC elitists i'm sure actually know the ins and outs of computing.
So basically what you were doing was having a dig at console gamers to defend your precious PC gaming because some of those console gamers who are trying PC gaming were confused at why games don't run as smoothly on PC as they do on console....surely you would want MORE people playing games on PC to make it more mainstream? What you are doing is attempting to alienate PC gaming by putting off console gamers (read the vast majority of gamers).....so well done you, that really is what i'd consider stupid.