Why 30fps looks better on Cosole than on PC

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wrong!. 12.5 fps is the point the human brain starts to perceive smooth motion. its why pretty much every warnerbros and merry melodies cartoon has 12.5 fps as that was the minimum they could get away with to keep costs down but still provide a smooth playback..
25 fps became a standard when sound was introduced. again it was the minimum they could get away with while maintaining motion and syncing the sound. it has nothing to do with your eyes. its all about cost.

after that 25 fps was adopted as a standard. things pretty much hit a status quo till digital arrived and because it is a much sharper image they had to introduce 2 things a slightly higher fps 29-30 and fake motion blur.
60 fps isnt even a thing in movies currently the highest fps standard is 48 fps for ultrahd imax and the likes.

for gaming again its a cost thing. as for the 2 foot thing lol...
it makes little difference how close you sit to the screen if your looking at 30 fps at 2 feet away and switch to 60 you will see it exactly the same way as you would see it 15 feet away. the image looks sharper because it is.




but thats what i was saying that 30 fps on this card 390x seems a lot smoother and totally playable like console when 30 fps on my 7850 was sluggish and not very nice so guess high end GPU provides smoother 30 fps gaming
It could be a change in a lot of factors, unless you are comparing them one after another with everything else the same. Displays have latency, games have different degrees of latency, and yes, even drivers can play a part.

30fps doesnt look better on a console. 30fps on console and 30fps on PC are just as bad as each other. If you look at a console game and then look at a PC running the same game at 30fps, there will be no difference.

Sorry I answered wrong message so just ignore this

Just saw this and youtube is not 30 fps limited at least not nowadays you may have been right when this was posted but your missing the point. you can still see if a game runs laggy as **** on youtube no matter what the framerate is on youtube

Yes, Youtube has more recently added the option to display 60 FPS. It wasn't available at the time of the posts. But there is no way to know about lagginess from a video, as lag is the time between your input and the output. Video cannot record that delay. It only shows the output. All video can show you is whether the output was smooth. Lag is not represented at all.
I've never seen someone (bJeryed or however you spell it) try and damage control frame rate so hard. Are you brainwashed by Ubisoft? Because the difference between 40 and 60 is very noticeable.

You don't even know what you're talking about i got my ps 4 and pc both on the same monitor and i did a research and experiment on this i played gta v on both pc and console i have about 40 fps on my pc and i can feel it the fps drop and all that than switch over to my ps 4 30 fps smooth as fk no fps drop how so ever

He talked about many differences between a console and PC. Not all of them apply at all times. Your experiment can be explained by more than 1 of the possible differences he mentioned.
well i i found why 30 fps looks smoother on console... I'm a fan of 30 fps, i'll play every single game on 30 expect wow lol and fifa
when after 1 years of searching i found a setting in Nvidia setting which is maximum pre-rendered frames, increasing this value results in smoother gameplay on lower framerates this may work :)
well if u play with 30 fps on a 30hz monitor or tv, you'll feel the smoothness too :)
motion blur may help too
these are all i've found for myself, hope i helped you ♥

hahasha so true

you are crazy, there is a huge diffrence from 40 to 60 and their is a huger diffrence from 60 to 120 and my favorite is 244hz once you play on 244hz with 200-300 fps it is amazing(i use 244hz for competitive game)(I use 60hz for regular use)
and I know ive played on the ps4 console and pc (i5 6600k and gtx 1060) and their is a huge diffrence from 30-60 fps but 30 fps on console looks better than 30 fps on PC




Too answer everyone its simply the way console games are designed and set up for a console. as one mentioned the use of motion blur. That is a Huge part of it. almost all of it. I run doom with no motion blur on console at 60 fps (its stander max rate) and see each frame in the speed of a super speed slide show per say. The same would likely happen on PC but it doesn't because Doom has a fps of 120 to 200 on PC. ( you can see vids on you tube.) so that slide show look isn't seen.
Then on console you set the motion blur to even the min, setting and its completely gone. Most games I play on Pc have a a 90 or higher FPS rate. I dont have any games that allows me to cap frame rates on my PC so I might be missing something but for the most part IF im right I dont think there is much of a difference other than PC's being a bit more powerful now why a ps4 with the same specs as a PC i cant answer you think they could match, part of this has to do with console having vsynce permanantly on though I dont know enought to answer why that forces dev's to max out at 30 or 60 while pc's run the same game at usually over 90fps. OH like one also said the lack of a mouse and its extreme responsiveness also keeps 30 fps lock looking normal. This is a guess but maybe the lack of frame locks on pc games and the lack of dedication to gaming only actually makes games alot more demanding due to their unlocked frame rate. than again I haven't played new gen games on PC so I don't know how a game would run on a PC with the same hardware as a console. If it still runs at a much higher frame rate then im wrong. some more experienced pc gamer's may know more about this to give a full answer. I mainly want to know if a console and pc with equal hardware will run games faster than the console or if the hardware still holds it back. Im a pc and console gamer and i dont know a ton about the hardware but i do know IT DOES MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. maybe it depends on the game BUT DOOM on console runs between 50 an 60fps- 60 on the ps4 pro. but at a 200fps rate on PC going between 120 and 200 but this rate is so fast you can't see the drops. Watch a vid on you youtube with the blur off and a frame counter and you'll see the huge difference. I dont know how this applies to all other games but it cleary shows a major difference between pc and console