Why am I getting FPS lag with my new GTX 1070?

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Jun 29, 2016
I just recently bought my PNY Geforce GTX 1070, and my PC specs are: Geforce GTX 1070, Intel i5 4690k 3.5 ghz processor, 8 gigs of ram, 650 watt power supply, ASUS B85M-G R2.0 motherboard, and a 1 tb hard drive. Whenever I try to play Grand Theft Auto 5, I get very bad framerate drops and sometimes it will just sit at 25-30 fps. And that isnt even on maxed out settings, just most on high and MSAAx2. I see others that can run the game with all ultra settings and get 80+ FPS with no drops. What is the problem with mine?? (I also stream, and I cant stream to twitch at all without it having bad FPS lag all the time so somebody please help!)
If you have windows 10, and your FPS is capping at 30fps, click cortana and type in "xbox". Sign in or make an account (the bastards) and there is a setting about recording/DVR. turn that garbage right off.

hope this fixed your problem


Apr 21, 2016



Jul 24, 2016
Everything points to a driver issue.

My setup is:

3570k @4.2ghz
Win 7 x64
8GB RAM @1600mhz
GTX 1070 Superclocked
ASUS 144hz monitor

Every game running in beast mode except Battlefield 3 and 4. Both are suffering weird FPS oscillations between 90 and 120fps (capped to 125). It doesn't matter if I'm running at Medium or Ultra settings, the fluctuations are the same. No CPU bottlenecking, it never reaches 100% usage (sometimes 90% in most intensive parts, but that's it). And, framerate oscillations apart, nothing wrong with the GPU as can be seen here: http://i.imgur.com/bNRXRfO.png

Some may say I should upgrade to Win10, but people who already installed Win10 are having the same issues (Geforce forums, lazy to search)

No matter what I do, nothing changes the fluctuations of Battlefield 4. There can be only a driver issue, and since this always happens with the entry of a newest generation of hardware, we'll have to wait for the fixes.

And no, a 3570k is definitely not a bottleneck even with this video card, this is bull****.


Jul 27, 2016
Feeling your pain. Just picked up an Asus 1070 Strix OC and seeing frame drops that are totally inconsistent. One minute it happens every 10-15 seconds, other times every second or two. At first I though it was the VR game I was playing, but noticing this drop across the board on almost everything I play. I can turn settings up, down, no matter what it is still there. Tried the latest Nvidia DPC latency hotfix, and not only did it not fix the problem, my performance actually dropped from a 5200 Uningine Valley score to 4700. Getting kind of ticked off at this point. Hoping for a fix soon from Nvidia. Feeling like I wasted my money. Feeling like I'd like to put my old 970 SSC back in. I couldn't turn the graphic settings as high but it didn't glitch or drop frames like my 1070 does.


Aug 18, 2016



Aug 27, 2016

Played through GTA V over the month of August (i7 6700/2x8GB 1600Mhz RAM/GTX 1070FE/Silverstone SFX 600W Gold PSU
Settings: Advanced settings off/Shadows Normal/Reflection AA 2x/Rest of the settings maxed: smooth 60-75 FPS @1080p (Depending on the area) with occasional drops to the 40s. All other games function as expected. I'd bet on driver issues somewhere with so many similar problems though.


Nov 25, 2014
Played Gta V with a gtx 1070, i7-4790k, corsair s12 psu, 16gb ram, and evo 850 ssd. All settings are maxed except shadows which is set to high , reflection to very high, and grass to very high. Advanced graphics are off. These are the same settings I used in my old 970 and as strange as it sounds, it actually doesn't hold steady frames. The mission I test the frame drops are in the Father/son mission as I'm tailing the truck that rams against other vehicles on the highway. Every collision causes stuttering. Also, when soft shadows are set to soft, I see square artifacting. Hopefully the cause of the issue comes to light..?


Nov 25, 2014
Fixed my problem by doing what Djimon advised. I wiped all the drives also. Anyways, the frames i'm getting are ~60 with some good settings.
:Msaa x4, fxaa, txaa, Reflection msaa is at x4, grass very high, shadows high, everything else is maxed out. Advanced graphics are set to: Long shadows off, everything thing else on. Extended distance is set to 40%. Hope these settings help others out


Sep 28, 2016
This might be worth everyone's consideration if you still have an issue. I havent found a fix yet, but I am seeing a lot of issues like this. I recently built a new gaming PC. Intel Core i5 6500i, MSI Gaming Board, GeForce 1070 GTX, 16GB Balistix RAM etc. Now, Counter Strike : Global Offensive in particular has this issue for me when I open it up. The FPS is 29 FPS.

My workaround for this is to go to the Video Settings within CS:GO and make ANY adjustment (usually from 2x to 4x of the other way around) on the Antialiasing and voila, the FPS jumps from 29 FPS to 130 FPS in the game menu. The 29 FPS issue even pulls through into the game if I don't make the slight change but when I do, CS:GO in-game Frame rate sky rockets to 290 FPS (no overclocking done at all). I have read something that the 1070 and 1080 is not using Antialiasing and Anisotropic Filtering, and sharpening (I read somewhere resolution scaling as well) in the settings somewhere could be an issue etc.

As I said, I don't have a fix for this and in my opinion it could be games needing updates or the hardware vendor that needs to correct something but THIS above is my work around.

I hope this works for others as it is for me. Until then, I will wait for nVidia to wake up or the software developers to wake up and realize this is an issue.

What I have noticed as well, if you make too many Antialiasing adjustments, the screen goes completely bonkers. So the theory of Antialiasing and Anisotropic that is not required/used could be accurate. I only read this today so I will try and turning this off all together and switching off sharpening (or whatever).

Yuki Core

Aug 1, 2013
Do you have a Geforce Experience installed? After I uninstalled Geforce Experience(And I reinstalled the Nvidia drivers, using DDU), I don't seem to have a lag in Rainbow Six Siege with GTX 1070.


Sep 28, 2016

I do have GeForce Experience installed.

Yuki Core

Aug 1, 2013

Try uninstalling, restart the system after completion


Sep 29, 2016
Hi. Like a month ago I bought a brand new Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 Gaming. Since I plugged it in I am getting lower FPS than expected. For example: Far Cry 4, I'm getting between 40-50 FPS in some areas with dynamic lightning and stuff and even drops to 25FPS randomly. I contacted my supplier and they gave me a new card, that didn't fix it.

Now they told me to buy a new 800W 80 Plus Silver Modular PSU and today I installed it in and yeah, for example in Black Ops 3 Multiplayer where I couldn't play before because of lag now I'm getting solid 55-60FPS (Max Stettings 1080p) with some stuttering, but in Far Cry 4 I'm getting like 40-50FPS in ALL areas. I tested CS:GO and it works fine in 2K resolution with solid 60FPS but then I test Minecraft and whenerver I load 32 chunks it stutters and drops some frames. ATM I'm downloading AC Syndicate because I was getting stuttering in the GTX 1070 I returned. I also tried AC Unity since it has the same engine of Syndicate and it works perfectly.

I tried it all: Formatting my PC and installing latest drivers and all, updating my BIOS, changing my PSU, taking a new card, EVERYTHING I came up with. I read this thread and I did the UserBenchmark thingie and in the results it says

- i7-3770 - Performing below expectations (36th percentile) (I tried it before and it said that it was ok)
- Nvidia GTX 1070 - Performing below expectations (33rd percentile)
- WD Blue 1TB (2012) - Performing below expectations (31st percentile) (In the other try it said way below expectations)
- Hynix HMT41GU6AFR8A-PB 1x8GB - Performing above expectations (65th percentile)

My Motherboard is called Joshua-H61-uATX (Joshua) and it has PCI Express 2.0 ports.

If anybody can help me I would be really grateful, I have been pretty concerned about this... Sorry if I butcher any English, I'm not native speaker.

Thanks, Nico.

P.D.: I was thinking about maybe getting Founders Edition or something because maybe is Gigabyte's problem or something :/


Sep 16, 2013
I'm having the exact same problem... No one has offered any solution.
Completely fresh install and fresh hardware across my Comp, getting like 80FPS in overwatch on highest settings. I could play at high on my radeon 7850.... This makes no sense at all.

I also noticed that my GPU usage is at 100% when it's running any game. Temps only at 62c. CPU usage at 35%... Anyone have a potential fix for this?


Oct 2, 2016

I'm experiencing this, still. Strangely, it DOESN'T happen in either the Unreal Tournament alpha or 3DMark. Frame counting programs (FRAPS, anything included with games) doesn't see it. Happens in everything from Binding of Isaac to Doom 2016. Something else to note is it seems I'm dropping a frame or two once exactly every second. This doesn't occur on a GTX770 4GB i've been running on the same build and same drivers.

At this point I'm starting up an RMA just to cover all my bases.

Yuki Core

Aug 1, 2013

A little background of my situation. I have a GTX 1070 G1, with the Gigabyte software installed. I tried googling for problems with the software, and some results popped up of it interfering with performance, I googled it because I noticed 1-10% CPU usage from the software. I had stutters in GTA V, but right now, I've yet to see any. I only tested 5 minutes for now, but it was stuttering like every 30seconds at least.

Got a lot better performance now, after turning off the Gigabyte Xtreme Gaming Engine, I use MSI Afterburner for manual fan control and a little overclock (The famous software everyone turns to, when they discover that their manufacturer is .... bad). I used it too on my previous card, before I discovered that stock clocks/fan settings are doing just fine for me.

I can still use the Gigabyte software to change the RGB lights, if I desire, I just disabled it from running at start-up.
Try to see if this helps solve your problem


May 14, 2016

Same here I don't have it as bad as most on this thread but I do think something is up after reading all these posts
But I do think its a driver issue, I have done a clean install of the drivers twice the new Nvidia drivers are just full of bugs I guess
I have the same GPU msi
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