Why are CPU's at Microcenter so cheap?


Mar 18, 2010
Okay guys upgrade time. I read other people talking about Micro-center and how you could get an I7 920 for less than $200. So I went online and they only have the I7 930 for less than $200!! Awesome deal. Almost too awesome.

My question is this. I don't buy from Fry's because I understand that a lot of their electronics are second-hand refurbished stuff. I'd would never buy a CPU,GFX card, Ram there.

So I'm wondering is Micro-center the same? How are they able to sell their CPU's on average for $100 less than everywhere else? Are they like Fry's?

How has everyone's overclocks gone on their I7's from Micro-center? Are they good batches in general?


I never walk into microcenter and just come out with what I went there for I am like a kid in a candy shop in that store.


A lot of their sales last about a week. And then, the prices go back up, yet many are still very low compared to other places.

I upgraded my system there for $250 about a month ago. I got an AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE for $99 along with my Gigabyte MB for $37 (they took off $25 because I purchased an AMD CPU) and then $90 for 4gb of DDR2800G Memory.

Of course, about 2 weeks later, the motherboard I purchased was being given away for free if you purchased an AMD CPU. Now, you get $30 off of an AMD motherboard when you purchase an AMD CPU, but they aren't selling them at the price I purchased them at. They are about $20 higher.

You just have to check up on them weekly because every week, they have some sort of sale. I'm really tempted to get a 1.5 TB SATA drive for $99. I really have to hold back on that one. I've spent too much already!

No. Factory seconds.

Kidding. :D

Maybe I shouldn't joke about something like that. Someone might take me seriously, and that's how rumors get started.