^^Because I don't need the actual numbers for the point I was making, which was that even taking that your completely unreasonable assumption that all of the 47% do nothing but sit on their couch, which is a preposterously negative condemnation of tens of millions of people, that if 10% of the top 1% are of the same negative quality, then you would have the same amount of wealth. If the number is less than 100%, then it's even less than 10% of the top 1%
If you want to get specific numbers, then you can actually look up the prosecutions done, and the reports on it, the problem is not ignored as you seem to think, but studied as part of the process of justice. But until you do so, simply going with your own assumptions, you have quite a hurdle to reach regarding the merits of your complains, because it's only 3% of the problem. At most.
And if you feel your government isn't doing what they say, you should petition for more transparency and accountability in government, that is within your rights. As for the Obama Administration, they didn't give the Mexican drug cartels guns to shoot anybody, they were trying to track the existing arms trade that has already lead to thousands of deaths. Why do you attribute such a malicious desire to their actions, and ignore the real and substantive concerns they were trying to address? I could understand being troubled over the effectiveness of their methods, but you don't even give thought to the actual reasons involved. Why is that? Do you not even realize how many thousands of guns are illegally sold across the border? Do you want to deal with the root of the problem, or do you want to just kick at the surface and pretend that makes things better? Criminal investigations can be like that, they let things go on until they have enough proof to solve the problem, not just put a band-aid on it.
Also, if you lived near a pig farm, you might want to know what causes that smell, and how to reduce it. Sometimes studies are important, but even then, how much do you think they are of the federal budget? For somebody so concerned about true numbers, you don't seem to want them, just random anecdotes you think prove your points. They don't really persuade me though.
I'm opposing what I feel is your disingenuous criticism of him. As I said, if he had ordered an immediate pullout, I feel you would be against that. Can you convince me otherwise?
Not with your blatant displays of partisanship.