Why can't I boot from my CD-rom drive


Nov 14, 2006
I build a new computer in december and now I have gotten virus on it, so I wanted to reinstall windows, but I can not get the computer to boot from the Cd-rom drive. The system is running windows XP and raid 5, and I am able to make it boot from the floppy drive.
Can anyone answer me why I can't boot from the CD-rom drive and what I should do to solve the problem??
Your boot order probably has your Hard Drive before the CD Rom. Boot your machine and hit DEL to get into your BIOS. Looks for something that says boot order and change it so CD ROM is first or at least before the HD. Save changes and reboot with CD in Drive.
And after you change boot oder, you still have to hit any key during the first 10 seconds (there will be a message showing that)
Thank you for the answers

I had already set the system to boot from the CD-rom drive before the HDD in the bios. I have now checked the setting, and the CD-rom drive are surposed to boot first, but it doesn't. I can get the floppy drive to boot, but not the CD-rom drive. I have tried setting up the system so it's only option was to boot from the CD-rom drive, but al I get is this message "Disk boot failure. Insert system disk and press enter"

I have also tried pressing F8 during start-up, but I can't choose to boot from the Cd-rom drive in the menu on the screen. I can choose which OS I wan't to use, but I have only installed one.

Can this problem have anything to do with the fact that the system is set up to RAID 5, or is it a malfunction in my motherboard or Cd-rom drive???

Hello i have the same exact problem if you found out a way to fix it let me know PLEASE!!!!!!!!! i need xp on my pc to record my music. Thanks