Why do High-End PC owners get pirated games?

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Just to answer a few questions of yours. Yes, I don't expect someone with a $200/month salary to buy new games. I would expect you to buy older and budget games. I also do not expect someone to spend a full years salary on a computer if that is your budget. I'd expect someone to buy a lower end system and play older games. The higher end your computer, the less bang for your buck you get. A game is the same game in 2 years as it is the day it is launched, but with fewer bugs, yet you can buy them for far less money, especially if you find them on sale. I do not understand the "need" to buy new releases.

As I stated before, a review can´t give me a 100% compatibility proof for my individual system. OS, Drivers, updates, software installed and the hardware. The easiest way to give me that proof is a simple demo, which all games already have, when they get released, because of E3 or other gaming exhibitions. There I can see on my own system, how much fps I will get or if I have to spend money, to even play it or without fps drops.
I didn´t say, that in the past demos were available for all games, just said, that there were more out of them. It was easier for me to decide, if I buy it or not. In the past magazines were full of them.
Reviews out there don´t always reflect my opinion of a game. I like demos, I want to feel how I can play it (gameplay and graphics) 😉

Okay to answer the "need" to buy new release.
Yes i agree, we don't need it.

So every people had hobby right? Since we are on a Computer Tech Forum, im confident that most of us will spend most of our "Free times on computer". If there is some games you like that is going to release, u ask us to wait a year for discount? Well yes, we can wait. And again back to the question. Will it be WORTHED to buy a 5 years old game cost 10 bucks (5% of our salary) ?

Anyway, if this is happening, i bet those all games / tutorial games forums gonna drop (Since most of SEA country, unless singapore) didn't had a lot of wages.

Ookay back to question, why do high-end pc owners get pirated games. Simply because its not worthed. As my statement in previous post (Exclude the wages). Just count for 1500$ high end pc and the games. Did you think 25 Games worth = 1500$ high end pc?
For me, definitely no.

For solution of these, i did agree to put prices that is more reasonable. Okay i know, making games is hard. Need a lot of money. But, with reasonable prices they will had more volume right. More people to bought. And if they can, fix those "Crack" things. (I would say 20 bucks is reasonable) Also make it there are some patch that is available if you "Buy" those games already. So those pirated games only like (Sample-Version) not the Full-Version.

I wonder where in the bible it says anything about god given rights for intellectual property.

The Bible does have several scriptures that say that you should obey the law and government. Pirating is against the law, so it actually is written in the Bible. This of course assumes that you believe in the Bible.

But that isn't the point. There is no higher power that has given you rights to pirate.


Romans 13:1-5 ESV / 135 helpful votes

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience.

Titus 3:1 ESV / 87 helpful votes

Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work,

It goes on. Piracy is against the law, therefor it is against the Bible as well.

But again. The point isn't specific to the Bible, only that no higher power has given anyone the right to pirate.

What about lower powers?

What about slavery? the laws permitted that.
I like trying things before I buy them. I blew $110 on BF3 + Premium when it came out. Had a blast. Wasted $120 on BF4 + Premium and barely broke 100 or so hours. The TDM maps are just horrific. Thats the main reason I dont just blindly buy games.

Almost every game I am interested in I will try, and like I said if I really enjoy it I WILL buy it.

Exactly how many hundreds of hours do you need a game to last for you before you consider it worth it? Does it take a 1000 hours to be considered worth it?

I was curious about this before, and now that you consider 100 hours to not be worth buying, I just have to know, what is? How many games do you actually buy compared to how many you demo?

I hope you were joking, as that seems ridiculous. And buying the premium edition, when you have such lofty requirements for a game to be worth it, seems equally ridiculous.

For a game like Battlefield, I expect a few hundred hours. I have over a thousand in BF3 and continue to enjoy that game. Ive bought games like Torchlight, Starcraft 2, Far Cry 3, Titanfall and Bioshock Infinite because I felt that their Devs deserved my support and I thoroughly enjoyed the game, even if it only gave me 100 hours or more or less of game play.
Like right now, I tried Reassembly and just got lost in that game. I bought it in a heartbeat because I KNOW it wont get old for quite some time.

"If you are able to buy a 2000+ dollar rig, why would you not spend like 80 bucks on a legitimate game which would not only work perfectly but also allow you to play online?"

BF4 was just a train wreck from the beginning. Constant crashes, blue screens and general instability. It was literally an Alpha at release if even that. I was even on the Nvidia side which reported fewer issues. Not to mention if theres a game that I may be interested in multiplayer, Ill play part of the Campaign if offered and if I like the mechanics ill buy it for multiplayer.

So basically, you only buy games which are exceptional, but if you spent 100 hours on a game, you had to enjoy it and therefor was worth buying.

Clearly you look at buying games as a reward for exceptional work, and not based on value. You spent a dollar an hour for the game even after splurging for the premium version. It's very hard to see your side on this, when 100 hours of game play is not enough to be considered worth buying.

1,000 hours. That's 6 months of a full time job.
Pretty sure if you went to work for 6 months, every week M-F...you'd want to get paid for it.

The those verses did not say that you have to do everything that is legal. We'd all be in trouble if that was the case. I've never been to a brothel in Nevada, and I don't think the Bible said we should.

It is just very clear that you should not break the law and pay your taxes.
"It is just very clear that you should not break the law and pay your taxes."

The problem here is that even the governmental institutions break the law, so what is the point of it?. Dont get me started on Taxes. In terms of the bible, I dont believe in the bible/Christian GoD, so your argument is not valid for me.
Religion is an argument that will always have no strength because those who dont believe in it have absolutely no incentive to follow your train of thought the moment you give the GoD argument.

I bought the game in 2011, and really enjoyed it. That just got bought on the spot. I only have 2 games in my library that have over a thousand hours and 2 more that have around 500 hours. the rest are mostly below 200.
Why should I waste $60 on a new release just to get burned badly with a terrible game? Ive had my fair share of good games and bad, but I hate nothing more that wasting money on something thats unplayable of has terrible mechanics.

I have always had a full time job, I just had different priorities then and a hell of alot more spare time. Im lucky now to be able to play anything for an hour more than twice a week.
most i know that pirate are broke, like the idea of ripping someone off, or just hate how the game corporations work. they catch some shit from people, mostly jokes, but there is nothing to deter it.

i probably know just as many that have hacked\converted 360s and PS3s with tons of dloaded games. and almost as many playing pirated android. it's just like any media, drugs, anything; if it's there people are going to get it as cheap as possible whether legal or not.

I agree with that. I never thought that pirating was right, I just never had the cash to buy games.
Now I do have the cash, and I dont pirate. No reason to, since I buy only some games anyway.
The interesting thing is that I have multiple copies (all bought) for my favorite games:
Crysis, 3 times bought.
Bioschock, 2 times.
Dead space 1, 2 times.
Diablo 2+expansion, 3 times.
Starcraft broodwar+ expansion, 7 times.

From those, I played all of them before buying them.

* Over at the torrent forums, the chinese hackers that cracked the NEwer Games stated >they have a culture of Millions of Gamers in China> everyone dedicated to playing high quality gaming titles, unofrtunatly, Big AAA games that are released sometime never meet the playable statndars most gamers enjoy with other game titles that where more sucessful playably.

* They chose to pirate games becuase the pirated games themselves are still somewhat unfinished poorly implemeneted titles, and wasting their money> which happens to cost 10 times the amount for games if convert to ut North American currencies costs an arm and a leg to justify the risk.

If those games were not up to their standards, why do they want to play them to begin with?

If they are unfinished, why do they need to play them on day 1? If they wait for them to come down in cost, the products will either be patched up or they'll have read reviews about the problems.

Simply put - some of them do not own such rigs... they simply had them from their parents
And alot of ppl prefer to test the game 1st and then decide if they want to pay for it
Also more and more ppl tell themselfs "why would i be an idiot and pay for something i can obtain for free"
All the games I have pirated have been due to the need of windows live/steam/origin, not because of money issues.

MW2 for example, I bought it 7$ on sale from best buy. Played for about a month, then because of the lack of a decent server browser, got shoved into a modded lobby without my knowledge, got a kill, and it unlocked everything instantly, and max rank. Got kicked out, tried to get back into mw2, and got message i was banned for cheating. Contacted various supports from steam/valve and they said pretty much sucks for you buy a new copy.

Other games that are single player based that still force me to have steam or origin running I absolutely hate. So i just crack it to bypass steam, or get a free downloaded pirated version that does not use steam at all.
lately the guys making the games especially for PC are doing a really bad job e.g. NFS Rivals bad game so I pirate sometimes because you want to see how it plays before spending your hard earned cash.