[SOLVED] Why do I feel static when I'm touching the I/O Shield?

Sep 12, 2020
hi. do you know why whenever i want to plug in usb or headphone jack i will always feel static (or electric maybe idk)?

i was using my pc and i cant hear sound from my headphones. i decided to see if theres something wrong with my headphone but there is no problem. then i looked at my mobo and see that the cable to insert to the audio port is loose. so i shut down my computer, plug off the cord(from the switch plug) and forgot to pull the cord from the psu(this part will prob be relevant for this story) and i turned off the switch on the psu.

i took off the side panel then put the audio cable the right way. the pc turned on just fine and the headphones worked. but i will feel shocked if i touch the areas at the io shield. im scared if this will break the components like the cpu.

what actually happened and what should i do? please help D:

ps: im new on building computers
First of all power down and unplug your pc before doing anything else. If you are feeling a shock that is dangerous and must be immediately fixed.

If, provided that I understand correctly, after powering down you did indeed disconnect the PSU's power cable from the wall outlet then there is no need to disconnect the end serving the PSU.

Not sure what you mean by "switch plug" but my thought is that your are using some sort of power strip or surge protector.

In any case what has probably happened is that the I/O plate is improperly installed and the metal is making contact with some voltage source.

What make and model motherboard? Go online, if necessary, to find the applicable User Guide Manual.

Use the manual to double check...
First of all power down and unplug your pc before doing anything else. If you are feeling a shock that is dangerous and must be immediately fixed.

If, provided that I understand correctly, after powering down you did indeed disconnect the PSU's power cable from the wall outlet then there is no need to disconnect the end serving the PSU.

Not sure what you mean by "switch plug" but my thought is that your are using some sort of power strip or surge protector.

In any case what has probably happened is that the I/O plate is improperly installed and the metal is making contact with some voltage source.

What make and model motherboard? Go online, if necessary, to find the applicable User Guide Manual.

Use the manual to double check what you have installed and how it was installed. Every component and be sure to read any specific component manuals as well.

Pay close attention to all cables and connectors especially any involving or around the I/O plate.

Overall, my recommendation is that you find a knowledgeable family member or friend that can review your build and troubleshoot as necessary.

Preferable someone who has a multi-meter and knows how to use it for troubleshooting such problems.

And yes, if there is a electrical problem that sends the wrong voltage or too much current through other components they may well "break".

Building a computer is always a challenge even for experienced builders.

Get hands on-help. Likely the problem is quite fixable.