[SOLVED] Why do intel cpu mobos have a little "shield" thing on the socket but amd cpu mobos don't?

The latch squeezes the CPU against the pins for a good contact and holds the CPU in place.
As mentioned above, most AMD CPUs use PGA sockets instead which hold the CPU in place by clamping on to the pins of the cpu inside the socket itself.
Becuz the intel cpu’s Don’t have the pins that connect to the motherboard, but the intel motherboards do and because of that, to ensure that the pins don’t get ruined or bent, there is a shield on top of them. For amd cpus, the pins are on the cpu’s Themselves and not the amd Mobos so they don’t need a shield. If you look underneath the amd cpu’s You’ll see the pins that I’m talking about. They’re gold colored and all over the amd cpus.

Edit I wrote this b4 I saw the pic with the outlined part that you’re talking about. But the shield that I was talking about above need something to hold them b4 they’re removed so I guess that’s what they’re for.
The latch squeezes the CPU against the pins for a good contact and holds the CPU in place.
As mentioned above, most AMD CPUs use PGA sockets instead which hold the CPU in place by clamping on to the pins of the cpu inside the socket itself.