I know this may be a commonly asked question, but I want to know why. We have a $200 wireless adapter that puts out dual band. And we have a dual band range extender upstairs. I have a $50 network adapter embedded into my computer. This sounds pretty good, right? But whenever someone, just 1 person is on the WiFi on a PC, while i'm on, my network just absolutely dies. My brother has a cheaper network adapter than me and he usually gets a better connection, yet we're in the same room. It really pisses me off sometimes, that I am lagging like crazy on CS:GO and my brother is playing at 40 ping. My network adapter is the TP-Link N900. My brothers' is the TP-Link N300. Our router is the Linksys EA6900. Our extender is the Linksys N600 or N300 not sure. We have around 8-13 devices on the WiFi at once.
Anything Helps, Thanks for your time!
Anything Helps, Thanks for your time!