Their are 3 reasons why users get hacked , 1st , sloppy security ... no offence to you , 2nd because they can and 3rd because the internet is full of open doors.
Example , if i told you a name tag i use and you typed it into a browser you would see links to all sorts of things i have taken part in AND be able to look at the content.
That said , if you tried to go onto sort some of those websites i contributed to then you would not be able to read my content unless you was a member.
I dont use and social media now because somebody hacked my account and built up a false me , the joke is all i needed to do was re change my password , i then "burned" the account.
With regards to paypal and bank accounts etc ..... NEVER use a bookmark because if you get hit by keylogger software it sits and waits for you to use bookmarks and shortcuts.
As well as av i use antimalware bytes , if it finds anything just repeat scans after quarantine until it finds nothing else because not all segments get found and deleted on first pass.