Question Why Gigabyte G24F2 2 only displays 165hz on DP 1.4 ?

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Nov 23, 2017
Hi! I have some question about this monitor. As the title described. I recently just bought this monitor (Gigabyte G24F2-2) which is able to display 180hz. It came with HDMI cable which is fine and i was able to display 180hz with that cable. But the thing is my GPU only had 1 HDMI port and i want to use 2 monitor. The other monitor is my old LG 24MK430H which only support HDMI input. So, i bought a display port 1.4 cable that they claim are able to 1080p360hz but it's only showing 165hz instead of 180hz. So is it cable faulty or i need to tweak to overclock it? I'm using Zotac RTX 3060 TI. Thanks before
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