Why is my PC WI-FI so slow?


Jun 1, 2015
So our current Wifi speed is 25Mbps download and like 5Upload. but on the computer i barely get 10Mbps download? this is significantly slower than what it should be?

Speed test: http://prntscr.com/iw78za

My router is the BT Home Hub 5 and i have a TP-Link in the back of my PC with 2 antennas;

My router does support 5Ghz and i think the wireless card in my PC atm only supports 2.5Ghz, would that be the problem? would i need to get a 5Ghz wireless adapter? if anyone recommends any low budget ones then that would be apreciated :)
your pc wont work with 5 ghz if you have a 2.4ghz wifi card( i asume you ment 2.4 ghz because there is no 2.5ghz wifi)
but to me seems like the wifi card cant handle the input + the 25 mbps is theorethical speed you could reach with best hardware and at the best moment without any interferance

What i meant is my Router supports 5Ghz but my Wifi adapter only supports 2.5Ghz so its not using the 5, if i get an adaptor that does support 5Ghz will it increase my wifi?

no probably not if you want better downloads get a better wifi card
or just do a lan connection

Well My router supports 5Ghz but atm nothing is connected to the 5Ghz on my router as you can see here,
My TP-Link adapter i have now which supports only 2.5Ghz has 2 antennas but are at the back of my pc which is tucked closely to the back of my wall so not much room to idk move about for the wifi, My Wifi is rather slow 10Mbps when i could be getting possibly 20, and the router box is just out my door and round the corner, so im not exactly far from it..

if you look here these are what channel the 2.4 and 5Ghz are in; http://prntscr.com/iw8p1m

What do you mean by a "Better wifi card" isnt that what i ment by getting a better "wifi adaptor" which supported Dual band (5Ghz)

thats not what i ment i ment a wifi adapter that can handle higher amount of input 5ghz wont realy change nothing if your router isnt right next to your pc without any walls between it and the pc

thats not what i ment i ment a wifi adapter that can handle higher amount of input 5ghz wont realy change nothing if your router isnt right next to your pc without any walls between it and the pc

thats not what i ment i ment a wifi adapter that can handle higher amount of input 5ghz wont realy change nothing if your router isnt right next to your pc without any walls between it and the pc
thats not what i ment i ment a wifi adapter that can handle higher amount of input 5ghz wont realy change nothing if your router isnt right next to your pc without any walls between it and the pc

No need to spam send the message 4 times mate, lol.

my pc kinda glitched out so that happened