[citation][nom]Chris_TC[/nom]Oh, so you could buy a polarized or active shutter setup and watch high-definition frame sequential 3D content at home in the 20th century? Tell me more.[/citation]
he is revering to the method of using glasses and image tricks to fake 3d, thruth be tolkd they just keep slapping the same name on new technologies
take games for isntance , game are technically already 3d with out this technology , they use 3d models made up of wire frames with textures wrapped around them, it is no more or no less 3d than what this technology is providing
in bold truthfulnes , this new tech nology is NOT really 3d, nor was the advent of "3d games" or "3d modeling" , as long as teh actual display remains a flat 2 dimension projetor/monitor ecte ct0 , it is still technically 2d no matter what tech nology you try to trick onto it , true 3d will only be in the form of holographic imaging (which is actually being worked on by multiple companies) but it is far from being comercially feasible