One reaps what they sew. AMD could have avoided this 'bashing' had they done one thing.....;kept quiet. It wasnt the people 'bashing' AMD that said '40%', it was AMD. AMD made a claim, then failed to meet that claim. They lied. No once forced them to, it was a will. Even that by itself was not bad enough to trigger this response. The reaction you are seeing has been excaserbated by AMDs 'holier than thou', superior attitude...hitting Intel with claims of falsifying benchmarks, making 'glued' quad cores, playing dirty, etc. You cant shake a finger at someone for having their hand in the cookie jar, then try and stick your own hand in the cookie jar when you think no one is watching.....pure hypocrasy....and hypocrasy doesnt sell too well. This reaction is one of the consequences of AMDs own marketing/public relations actions.