Wierd speedfan temps with ma770-ud3 - please advise!


Feb 6, 2009
So I have a GA-MA779-UD3 mobo installed, system is stable, no wierd smells etc. Clean install of windows with the new MB. Memory installed in dual channel configuration. BIOS revision is F4. System has no overclocking, all speeds are factory settings.

Howerver the temperatures as reported in the speedfan confuse me. I'm getting three listings called Temp 1-3 that I assume are the chipset temps.

However, the one listed at "Temp 3" is always pegged at 80degrees C. It never goes higher or lower. The other two temps always report in 40-50 C. Opening Easy Tune 6 reports the "system" temp to run at bout 40C when idle, the same as the temp reported in speedfan as Temp1. Again all the other temperatures fluctuate with load.

In BIOS after doing a hard reset and pulling up bios after say, running a 3D game (so as not to give the chips time to cool) and "CPU" and "System" both report at safe temperatures.

I can touch the NB chipset heat sink and its warm, but hardly 80C hot. Its somewhat loose on its mounting, but appears to be mounted with springs, not screws or clamps. SB heatsink is generally cool to the touch. I would think if the NB heatsink were loose, it would be cool to the touch.

Also starting speed fan causes my USB hard drive attached the system to become non-responsive and only recovers after a hard reset. Makes me wonder if the program refuses to interface properly with the BIOS.

Should I be worried? Or is speed fan just not like my MB? Again my system is entirely stable, and I've seen no weirdness of any kind.


Try dropping a note to Alfredo Milani Comparetti - he's the SpeedFan guy - at alfredo@almico.com; you can't go by anything any version of EasyTune says - it's just a buggy, ill-mannered POC...


Feb 26, 2009
I have the same MB you do, and I see the same Temp 3 as you do, 80 degrees. I don't trust the tool, really. EasyTune is more accurate. With Cool and Quiet enabled, my idle temps hover between 27 and 32 degrees celsius for CPU and system. What is your complete setup by the way? Here's mine:

AMD Phenom II 720 - stock cooler
80 GB, 160 GB Seagate HDs
CD-R/RW and DVD-R/RW/CD-R/RW combo
Sapphire HD 4830 graphics card.
Rosewill R5605 case - 2 120mm fans


Mar 12, 2009
Hey I have the same reading on tempin3 80c with HWMonitor and AOD 2.16 Speedfan kept crashing my system. AMD OverDrive works with this board by the way.
From what I have read the #3 themp is the mosfet reading please correct me if I am wrong I would like to know. The Northbridge sink is also a little loose retention springs aren't tight enough but sitll only warm not hot.
My problem is the Dual channel doesn't work in F4 bios picked up the 1066 mem thought. Need a fix for that!!!

Kuma 7750
PC Power 500 watt
G Skill 1066 4mb 2x2
Cooler Master Elite RC-360-KKN1-GP "check out this case"
BFG 8600 GTS "OC"
WD 320g 16m 7200


The guys at TweakTown have been trying to get a decisive set of answers to this from GB forever - with no luck that I'm aware of; short of burrowing into GB's design database, and pirating the actual schematics/layouts, we may well never know; one thing I do know is that one of them has to be the NB temp, as the SYS_FAN2 speed controller is said to be slaved to it...


At that sort of temp, you should easily be able to find it using the 'digital' (ho ho) probes attached to the ends of your hands (don't worry about ruining one by charring it - you've got seven more as backups!); I think it's got to be a misread...



I have the same setup and my GSkill reads as 1066 in the bios but 800 in windows, EasyTune6 reports three valid speed selections: 1066, 800 and 667 but the drivers seem to default to 800 so I just used speedTune6 and adjusted the Ram manually to 1066 with no problem.


Sep 2, 2009
The 80c is reportedly the temperature of one of the cores of a triple-core CPU. It seems to happen only with this kind of CPUs and only on Gigabyte motherboards. I think it's just the programs not reading the temperatures right. I've been pushing my CPU up and down and nothing happens, at 80c that core should be fried by now if that was the case.

Same setup, same CPU (P2 720), same BS temperatures, I say ignore them and use the software provided by the manufacturer of the MB to monitor temperatures.


Now ya see here son, this is what we call a dead thread; it died as no one was interested or no one had info for it, or the author found the info and decided to let the thread die.

So we buried it, gave it a funeral and let it lie in peace.

Now what ya have done here is Necrothreaded it back into the living realm, disturbing its grave and its peace! Why boy, why? The poor thread has suffered enough! Let it rest!!


Mar 6, 2008
The GA-Ma770 UD3 rev 1.0 can use 1066 ram but will only show 800 due to hardware limitations and proper cpu combination must be able to use such ram.

Also no real gains are going to be made using dual channel when bandwidth overhead is under the total memory through put. So in reality the memory already has a faster bandwidth then the bus and having dual channel in the case is less than a pennys worth.

The only reason to get faster ram is to have even better performace at lower clock cycles versus 800 clocked ram.

You should be using the latest bios.


Mar 6, 2010
Not trying to dredg up something dead.....BUT. I have a MSI nf750-g55 mobo with 955BE phenom in it. i crack open speedfan and i to get a Temp 3 of 80C. anyone figure this one out yet?


Nov 2, 2011
Giving some more reasons to dreg up the deads... Mine is a GA-890gpa-ud3h with a 968 phenom ii and 4 gb (2x2) adata 1333 mhz ram. Temp 3 reaches temps over 100 C. Haver little more info will help. Bios version 4F.

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