Hello there, so basically I have a wifi adapter(Alfa Network AWUS036H) and I recently bought an sma antenna so I can replace the current one it came with because it broke, however I am facing problems for example I have my friends wifi who lives on the flat right in front of the house, it's considered a relatively big distance so you can connect flawlesly to it but when I replaced the wifi antenna I was able to connect.The speed however is terrible though the power of the signal seems to be okay(I have 3-4 bars out of 5) if I go closer to his network it improves but I want to be able to connect while being at home.I don't undestand what's wrong this happens to all of the wifi networks I've tried it on is there something wrong with the adapter? maybe it can't react to such a long range because it is designed to be in a small one? I am have no idea of wireless technologies so any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.