WiFi Extender that is compatible with Linksys E1200


Oct 30, 2014
I talked to a Linksys live support representative and they recommended me the RE1000 to boost my WiFi Signal. After a quick talk I asked to see any personal reviews from people and he sent me the main site to this product and literally people had horrible review for this thing. Says it isn't compatible and that it is bad etc etc.

So my question is what is the BEST WiFi extender 'in my budget' that I can get that can "PAR" with the E1200 and will boost my 1-2 bar to a 3-4 bar possibly even 4-5!

My router is a Linksys E1200 that has a Radio Type of 802.11n
My budget is less than $50.

My router is downstairs in a office and my desktop is upstairs. It is just a couple of steps to get to the router but I believe it is because of the walls etc. So I believe if I get a WiFi extender it should solve the disconnection problem etc.

Though If there is a better solution please chime in. I would love to get the best signal for my budget because I need it to for my gaming.
It is unlikely that a wireless extender will really help for gaming. I would recommend the best pair of powerline adapters that your budget will allow. THIS is the best place to get unbiased real comparisons of different units.