Wii U resolution

Sorry know this thread is a little old now.

The resolution of games varies from game to game. For example Mario Kart 8 is 1080p, while Assassins Creed III is 720p. They might have alternate modes and scaling and etc. enabled also. Like someone said above it is overall faster than the PS3 and Xbox 360, with a much faster GPU and a CPU which is around the same performance. So Wii U can typically handle 1080p, and as the system gets tweaks over time it is fixing software issues and its suspected that they either have already or will in the future increase the clock speeds. Not double them like some people have suggested, but a fair rumor is that they will increase the CPU and GPU by 100-300Mhz to add a little boost.

So hope this helps...
Well if the graphics are basic enough, there could be sufficient performance overhead to ramp up the res a bit. If the game supported it, I'll bet you could run Quake 3 at 1080p on integrated 🙂

Mario Kart 8 certainly isn't Crysis so it isn't entirely outside the realm of possibility that it might render at 1080p, but I'd agree that 720p is probably more likely to hopefully get 60fps. Too bad there doesn't seem to be anywhere that has a list of console games and what resolution they'll run at.

Well, the WiiU is stronger than the PS3, and the PS3 even had a few token games at 1080p.

Considering how cartoonish many WiiU games seem to be, it wouldn't surprise me if some of them were at 1080p since they can't be hard to run.
^ Good points. Found it anyway - gamerankings.com give a list of all reviews written about a game. Went through one by one to ctrl+F '1080' and '720' and Gaming Nexus had the answer - 1080p. Sounds like they've done a hell of a job with it too. Almost enough to make me want to buy a Wii U.

Sorry know this thread is a little old now.

The resolution of games varies from game to game. For example Mario Kart 8 is 1080p, while Assassins Creed III is 720p. They might have alternate modes and scaling and etc. enabled also. Like someone said above it is overall faster than the PS3 and Xbox 360, with a much faster GPU and a CPU which is around the same performance. So Wii U can typically handle 1080p, and as the system gets tweaks over time it is fixing software issues and its suspected that they either have already or will in the future increase the clock speeds. Not double them like some people have suggested, but a fair rumor is that they will increase the CPU and GPU by 100-300Mhz to add a little boost.

So hope this helps get an idea the power of the system, its quite short compared to PS4 and Xbox One with probably around half the GPU power and 3/5ths the CPU power of the Xbox One. 1080p is quite possible for it.