Hello I have a question about if my gtx 1060 6gb will run a 4k monitor for just general use like youtube and be able to play games like gta 5 at 1440p i mostly play gta 5, cs go and rust.
I am only buying this so in future i dont need one when i upgrade gpu's
you can play 4k with 1060 6g. but in order to get smooth 60 fps you will have to turn settings down. alot of games these days you can set to mid from ultra and the game will still look good like 5% visual difference 50% performance. the only reason why people still think that ultra settings is needed in order for the game to not look potato is because a long time ago games would look completely potato if you turned the settings down from high to low. like as if it were a completely different game and engine. take a look at this video to better understand:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5ZsaavKNR8&t=146s
in short. yes you will be able to play at 4k or 1440p. but if you want smooth 60 fps turn things down that is not needed.
I am only buying this so in future i dont need one when i upgrade gpu's
This might be a crazy question but if you don't need a 4k monitor now, why do you want to buy one now? I mean, if you upgrade your GPU in 2018 and then need a 4k monitor for it, why not just buy the 4k monitor then too? Or are you saying you don't have a working monitor right now so you have to buy something and it might as well be a 4k monitor?
for me i play games alot and competitively and id rather have a 144hz 1080p monitor instead of a 60hz 2k/4k monitor. because between 2k and 1080p theres no visual difference unless you are looking at a still image and for games it comprimises FPS by a ton. and 4k is too sharp. id always rather have a higher refresh rate and max out settings all the time. and if you play at 1080p you have alot of time untill you have to upgrade your GPU compared if you had a 2k or 4k monitor. 1080p is the best and always will be.
if you mostly play gta 5, csgo and rust your 1060 is more than enough. at gta 5 you may have to turn down a few settings to get smooth 60 fps but apart from that you are set.