[SOLVED] Will an RX 570 8GB work with a Foxconn 2ABF MOBO


Sep 2, 2019
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I've not seen any mobo prohibit usage of any gpu, OEM or not. Gpus are add-in, same as pci or pcie sound cards, wifi etc. Not an integral part of the motherboard like the cpu or ram. Bios microcode only lists cpu and ram speed, not gpu especially amd since all their cards show up as R9 series, Rx series etc without specific model.

Bios, on the other hand, can and will prohibit usage of certain gpus, it's a compatability issue between legacy and uefi, not a specific shutout. Has more to do with the cards inability to compromise than the motherboards ability to adapt. The Rx series doesn't work on Legacy bios, and is iffy at best with CSM enabled and fastboot restrictions.

On a uefi bios, it shouldn't have any issues at all.

I'd not...
By the way, what's the last BIOS version date for this Motherboard, the Foxconn 2abf ? Does it feature UEFI boot mode, or Legacy ?That's a poor quality PSU though. Aerocool PSUs are not meant for gaming PCs.

Replace this "Aerocool" PSU with some other high-quality unit, should you plan to upgrade your GPU.
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Is that Foxconn motherboard from a prebuilt PC, like HP, Dell, Cyberpower, etc.?
That card will require your motherboard to have a UEFI bios. You should check the Compatibility Support Module, or CSM, in bios.
It won't work if it's legacy only.
Is that Foxconn motherboard from a prebuilt PC, like HP, Dell, Cyberpower, etc.?
That card will require your motherboard to have a UEFI bios. You should check the Compatibility Support Module, or CSM, in bios.
It won't work if it's legacy only.
yes its from a hp 3300 MT (i said a 3500 in the original post my bad) and it has a uefi bios
It's got a UEFI bios, that's good.
A proprietary HP motherboard, that's bad.
The card might not work, because most OEMs are pricks. They will purposefully lock out other cpus/ram/gpus in order to force their customers to buy brand new PCs.

Here's a thread from a few months ago from someone with an old HP as well: https://linustechtips.com/main/topi...rd-compatible-with-my-motherboardlegacy-bios/

I can't say much else on the matter, because hardware compatibility with OEM motherboards is so IFFY.
I've not seen any mobo prohibit usage of any gpu, OEM or not. Gpus are add-in, same as pci or pcie sound cards, wifi etc. Not an integral part of the motherboard like the cpu or ram. Bios microcode only lists cpu and ram speed, not gpu especially amd since all their cards show up as R9 series, Rx series etc without specific model.

Bios, on the other hand, can and will prohibit usage of certain gpus, it's a compatability issue between legacy and uefi, not a specific shutout. Has more to do with the cards inability to compromise than the motherboards ability to adapt. The Rx series doesn't work on Legacy bios, and is iffy at best with CSM enabled and fastboot restrictions.

On a uefi bios, it shouldn't have any issues at all.

I'd not trust that psu shaped object with an Aerocool sticker to be a passable doorstop, nevermind a gaming rated power supply. It'd be cheaper to replace it with an actual psu than go out and buy a reputable fire extinguisher.
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