It should be fine but list your system parts if you want verification. I managed to find a review here:
It's in Vietnamese but google translating it to english got the general ideas across.
The below is extra info that may help you understand PSUs better. If you're not inclined to read/understand it, don't.
The PSUs overall wattage rating isn't that important. The important part is the 12v rail'(s) amps. That FSP has two 18amp 12v rails. This means the combined wattage of the CPU and GPU(s) cannot exceed 432 watts (36amps*12volts). You can check the wattage of the CPU and GPU by looking at their TDP (you can google 2500k tdp for example). Add 20% if overclocking. The total system power draw must also remain below ~500W but unless you have a huge raid array or something, the rest of the system's power draw is irrelevant (it should never go over the remaining 70W) so you only need to focus on the 12v rail(s) and your CPU + GPU TDPs.
The below table shows efficiency at specific power loads. Their tests only go up to 15.6 amps on each 12v rail. I would keep to that limit with this PSU. It doesn't matter if one rail is using more and the other less though (10 amps on one and 17 on the other is fine).