Will Elder Scrolls Online run on a Pentium G3258 and a GTX 960?

I'm using a Intel Pentium G3258 OC at 4.2Ghz. ESO runs sluggish at stock because its a dual core. Overclock it and it runs no different than my i7 4770k in ESO.
I can run Skyrim with plenty of texture/lighting overhaul mods on a steady 60FPS, and those specs are better than mine. Not sure about ESO though. Ive never tried to play it, but I found a thread discussing the differences in the two games and how they influence performance.
Here you go
1080P max settings @ 60fps you should get. I just sold my 750 Ti for a 960 so I could play on Ultra in ESO. I was getting 55-60fps with a mix of high and ultra settings. mostly low draw distance and particles. Now I should be able to max it out. I had a GTX 770 for a while and it ran above 60fps constantly. In comparison the 960 is basically a GTX 680/770 performance wise.