Will it matter if i use an EVGA gtx 690 card with and Asus Rampage IV mobo?


Jun 11, 2012
Hello, My friend keeps telling me that i should use an Asus GPU with an Asus MOBO but i can only find an EVGA GTX 690, should i wait for the asus gtx 690 to be available or is it typically not going to matter

It doesn't matter, they all follow the standard connection.
They are all universal... infact most cards are made in the same handful of factories. Often times you hear of people peeling the labels off the cooler to see another vendors label underneath.

I had an evga card in my asus baord for years... now i have a couple of MSI cards. They are all compatible. I have a galaxy card in my other computer that has an evga board. I have a powercolor card in a cheap foxconn board.