Will Kingston ValueSelect fit Dell e1505?


Feb 8, 2007
I am trying to figure out if the kingston value select will fit in my dell inspiron e1505. I called dell to ask because they sell the kingston also, but they only want to sell me dell branded ram. And the kingston website only mentions their version of dell branded ram, so getting the run around.

Kingston ram:
KVR667D2S5/1G or KVR667D2S51G

Newegg Kingston Value Select

If anyone could clear this up, you have my thanks. Or maybe even recomend a better cheap ram solution for an e1505 (667 only not 533). I pref a lifetime warranty, and I know kingston and corsair are good on that.


Just a quick terminology note: ValueRAM is the Kingston brand, and is pretty decent. ValueSelect is the Corsair brand, and is terrible, no better than generic RAM. However, Corsair's premium (non-"value") brands such as XMS and XMS2 are top-notch.

As for your notebook, any RAM brand/model that matches the specs of your notebook should be fine; however, you may want to buy from a vendor that guarantees the item you buy will work with your notebook model. Many RAM vendors have "memory configurators" on their sites that allow you to easily determine which modules are compatible with your specific computer.