Will my GPU bottleneck this CPU ? Please help


Apr 12, 2013
I have a GT 440 1GB DDR5 and im thinking of buying an I5 2500 my question is is my gpu going to bottleneck the I5 2500 ? Also is it going to bottleneck an I3 3220 because thats the other cpu that maybe im going to buy. My cpu now is: AMD Athlon X2 4200+ 2.20 GHZ


In games, yes 100%. The I5 2500 is a very fast cpu that will work well with pretty much any single GPU card. It will also bottleneck the I3 3220.

To be honest, in games, that GPU will pretty much bottleneck anything, its not very good. Quite old now and it was a low end card even when it was new.
First of all, you shouldn't buy the i5-2500, you can get an i5-3570 that performs better, have similar price tag and supports PCI-E 3.0.

An i5-3570 should be paired with either GTX 660/660ti/670/680 or Radeon 7870/7950/7970 to get the most out of your GPU and CPU.
gtx 660ti is faster than hd 7870.it compits with hd 7950
