[SOLVED] Will my GPU lifespan reduce from idle usage?


Dec 17, 2017
So i have a 2060 i bought last year and i haven't had great experiences with GPU's previously. I firstly had a GT 730 fan fail on me after a year and a half of stock usage, and then an Asus 960 just straight up die a few weeks past the warranty, again stock usage and always sub 65° temps. Now i have this 2060 which i probably won't use this year because im busy doing other work. Will it just be better to unplug it and leave it in the box, or leaving it there on idle at 40° won't reduce its lifespan? Thanks.
Using electronics reduces its lifespan, barring other components that age over time. However at those temperatures it should easily last at least its warranty time frame.
Using electronics reduces its lifespan, barring other components that age over time. However at those temperatures it should easily last at least its warranty time frame.
Well the thing is that i'd like for it to last way more than the warranty time frame, maybe 5 years ideally, i'm not a heavy user gaming wise. I'll probably just unplug it to be safe.