Hello! I am looking to capitalize on my new RTX 2060 Super purchase. It is being somewhat bottlenecked by my i5 based on monitoring MSI afterburner. My current specs are as follows:
RTX 2060 Super (MSI Armor OC)
Gigabyte GA-H110-A Mobo
Corsair Vengeance LPX 2 x 8GB DDR4-2113 Memory
Kingston SSDNow UV400 240 GB x 2
PowerSpec 550W
Windows 10 Pro
Here is my proposed new build, parts not listed will be kept the same from the previous list:
Ryzen 7 3700X
ROG Strix X470-F Gaming Mobo
With these parts I figure I’ll stay competitive with new games in the future. My main question to you guys are:
Is that motherboard sustainable or is the jump to an X570 or another board worth it?
Will my 2133 RAM still be viable with the new parts? (I’ve had it for about 4 years now) If not, what do you recommend?
I look forward to hearing the replies, thank you!
Note: I play on a standard 1920x1080 144Hz monitor. I use air cooling.
RTX 2060 Super (MSI Armor OC)
Gigabyte GA-H110-A Mobo
Corsair Vengeance LPX 2 x 8GB DDR4-2113 Memory
Kingston SSDNow UV400 240 GB x 2
PowerSpec 550W
Windows 10 Pro
Here is my proposed new build, parts not listed will be kept the same from the previous list:
Ryzen 7 3700X
ROG Strix X470-F Gaming Mobo
With these parts I figure I’ll stay competitive with new games in the future. My main question to you guys are:
Is that motherboard sustainable or is the jump to an X570 or another board worth it?
Will my 2133 RAM still be viable with the new parts? (I’ve had it for about 4 years now) If not, what do you recommend?
I look forward to hearing the replies, thank you!
Note: I play on a standard 1920x1080 144Hz monitor. I use air cooling.