Will the new administration save US?

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Oct 11, 2009
Well, giving a complete answer would be impossible now, but the economic stimulus package is one of the major moves of Barack Obama, US President, to stabilize the poor economic condition of US. The policy was much criticized initially for not giving a speedy solution for the recovery of the economy, but now it seems that the policy is going on well, and would turnout successful in the long run. According to the recent reports, the package, if executed successfully, would aid almost millions of Americans who are trying out a way to reach a steadiness in life, after the fatal blow of financial recession. Soon after the inaugural speech Obama had also mentioned about the reverse tax cuts , and had promised that the money would be spend on the poor and needy.

Actually Obama has inherited an awfully messy situation, with almost ‘$1.3 trillion deficit’, two wars, unemployment rising to an alarming rate and the crisis of the bank systems. Right from the moment of taking charge of the President’s office, he along with his team has been working tirelessly to sort out the major problems that the country has been facing, as well as laying a firm foundation to have a strong economic growth in future, which would be beneficial for all Americans.

The three step solution that he suggests for the stablilisation of US is as follows

1. Bringing the economy back on track
2. Finding out a proper solution to fight the housing and financial crisis
3. A complete rebuilding of the US economy on a firm and sustainable foundation.

The Obama administration has been widely supported by people all over the country, including the leading business men like rod aycox , CEO of Select Management Resources, in his efforts to bring back the economic stability of US. Many experts say that Obama’s initiatives will be highly beneficial for US in the long run and would give the country stability and save it from the crisis that it is undergoing these days.

America will burn for it's sins!!!!!

Seriously though what is the point of this topic?

You appear to ask a question but the whole thing seems copy and pasted from somewhere else and would appear to be about getting responses rather than stimulating debate.
Well, I agree with strangestranger. It is difficult to start some conversation like that and my response for that is add something more here so as to move ahead somehow.
Doesn't matter what Obama does because the world is going to end on 12/21/2012. Get your house in order and make peace with your God. The end is nigh and the great revelation will descend from the sky and reveal the ultimate truth.

Assalaam Alaikum!
IMO, Obama & the Democrats have been 99% talk and 1% action. Take the "Making Homes Affordable" initiative from last spring. Just about everybody has panned it since the banks only pay lipservice to it and there's no enforcement - merely 'fee-good' voluntary participation. I personally tried the refinance option since my mortgage was underwater (i.e., I owed the bank more than the current value of my house). Kept getting the run-around by the central bank office and their local rep, eith each pointing fingers at each other, until I finally just gave up. Would have been nice to drop my interest rate by a significant amount.

Instead of seeing one project through to the end, Obama seems to jump from one to the next, such as now making the gays feel good. Just like the Nobel peace prize, he's always about his future potential, and never his accomplishments. If this continues he will have a hard time getting re-elected in 3 years...

Hopefully it'll be Pelosi & the other Democrats who disappear with the ending of the Mayan calendar 😀.

Who has predicted that world is going to end on 12/21/2012? I don't know how many times have been through these predictions and never understand what is the fun in spreading such rumors.

Obama didn't inherit anything. He volunteered for the job. And much of the "messy situation" was caused by liberal policies anyway.

Sigh. You know you are getting old when ... "gay"used to refer to a state of mind, not sexual orientation.
The Mayan calendar ends on that date, therefore, all time must also end on that same date.

But then again, every year, I think the world will end on 12/31 until I go to the mall and buy a new calendar... :pt1cable: 😱 😱

[sarcasm and sensationalist rhetoric]Nostradamus, Newton, Cayce, and select writings from the Bible, Talmud, and various far eastern text all predict the worlds end! Repent now and live in peace for all eternity! Make amends with your fellow man and live your remaining 1174 days at one with world! Do it now before you are forever cast into the fiery depths of damnation![/sarcasm and sensationalist rhetoric]

Didn't the Mayans also invent Mayannaise?? 😀 Perhaps that is why their calendar ends in 2012 - they've reached the expiration date 😛...

Hmm, that's an idea for the Capital Punishment thread - death by ptomaine poisoning...
Obama has policies and thought exercises that are dangerously close to socialistic/Marxism. Can you say re-distribution of wealth? Well his so called 600.00 stimulus check is coming from people that have money, and than given to people that don't. That is the worst concept I have ever heard of, give my money to people that can't or will not earn their own, bah don't get me started...

Even without Obama's policies and direction, America started down the European version of the socialist road back when Clinton was President. What Obama has done though is take advantage of the current economic crisis and used that as a springboard for a moderately socialist agenda.

The only good thing to come out of the last 20 years of American politics is the final realization that the Baby Boomers are at an end. Only once the Baby Boomers die off can America get back on track to ideals and concepts of the Founding Fathers. The only caveat may the the legacy that is political correctness and the now requirement to make sure that everyone feels good about themselves. I only hope that I can teach my children that they need to be self reliant, that the world owes them nothing, and that all things are earned through hard work and perseverance.

Now here I have to agree with you chunky monster.

How do you think I feel? In 2000, I bought a house. Did everything right, 20% down, financed only the principle - not first year taxes or insurance - on a 15 year mortgage. Accelerated payback - excess monthly payment applied to principle. And I'm stuck with paying the bailout bill.

The family car is a '91 Toyota Camry that still gets better than 30 mpg on the highway. But because the mileage is still so good, it didn't qualify for the Cash4Clunkers program. But I'm stuck with the bill for that too.

All these liberals talking about "spreading the wealth around" don't want to spread theirs. They want to spread mine.

And if Obamacare is so freaking great, why don't our Democratic congresscritters and our president lead by example and sign themselves and their families up?

bah don't get me started...

^^ True True It's a messed up world we live in, here in the Peoples Republic Of America, I mean USA.

Affirmative action, slowly losing freedom of speech (if you say something truthful and it hurts someones feelings it isn't socially acceptable), The right to bear arms is also something the Obama's administration is trying to get rid of. Did you know he was trying to put in place a law that would require all ammo manufacturers to engrave a serial number on every round of ammo? That would effectively make buying ammo too expensive for the averaged Joe to afford, making guns useless, as their will not be any ammo to put in them. Plus the strangle hold he is putting on gun stores and gun owners (my friend owns a gun store and he is going out of business because of the grief the government is putting him through).

I could wright a book on this sh-t.

Nobel Peace Prize, what a joke. The day after he got the award he sent 17,000 Americans to Afghanistan, F-ing idiots.


You misspelled "missed spelled" too! You are really tired. Time to take some rest.

No, it's not. I can answer it in two words: "hell no."

Actually Obama has inherited an awfully messy situation, with almost ‘$1.3 trillion deficit’, two wars, unemployment rising to an alarming rate and the crisis of the bank systems.

He probably has already caused more problems that he has"inherited." The economy started to tank right around the time when Obama won the Democrats' nomination. Look at a graph of the DJIA over the past 18 months and you'll see it drop straight down in October 2008 when it looked likely that Obama would win. People know he's a statist and were worried sick about what he would do, and reacted accordingly. Bush screwed up with signing TARP into law, but Obama did far worse with his bailouts since they were far bigger.

Right from the moment of taking charge of the President’s office, he along with his team has been working tirelessly to sort out the major problems that the country has been facing, as well as laying a firm foundation to have a strong economic growth in future, which would be beneficial for all Americans.

Right from the moment of taking charge of the President’s office, he along with his team has been working tirelessly to sort out the major problems that the country has been facing- how to pay back his backers (unions, ACORN, etc.), how to get that pesky Fox network to fall in line, how to get his tax-dodging buddies out of trouble, how to discredit any of his opponents just for opposing him (the answer to that one was to call them all racist), and how to further expand the government's power. He is also laying a firm foundation to have a strong bureaucratic growth in future, which would be beneficial for no Americans.

The three step solution that he suggests for the stablilisation of US is as follows

1. Bringing the economy back on track
2. Finding out a proper solution to fight the housing and financial crisis
3. A complete rebuilding of the US economy on a firm and sustainable foundation.

Let's look at that:

1. He's doing the exact wrong things. Tariffs, bailouts, tax hikes, and massive government spending are the wrong way to go. FDR tried this and almost every analysis of FDR's actions say that he prolonged the Great Depression by taking such action. For being such a supposedly scholarly and intelligent guy, Obama is sure being stupid here.

2. The proper solution is to let the people who took the huge risks in making and taking shady mortgages take it on the chin- no bailouts, no nothing. Let them fail and go bankrupt. Anything else rewards the kind of behavior that put us in this situation in the first place and we WILL see this same thing happen again.

3. Again, he is going exactly in the wrong direction. He is completely rebuilding the US economy to be a subsidiary of the government, and we all know how well that works out. Look at any other command economy, such as the former Eastern Bloc states, North Korea, and Cuba and tell me how well that worked out.

The Obama administration has been widely supported by people all over the country, including the leading business men like rod aycox , CEO of Select Management Resources, in his efforts to bring back the economic stability of US.

Obama narrowly won and was largely supported by people largely clustered in a few areas of the country. Look at the vote totals and look at any election map that breaks the results down by county and this becomes painfully apparent.

Many experts say that Obama’s initiatives will be highly beneficial for US in the long run and would give the country stability and save it from the crisis that it is undergoing these days.

Crisis, shmisis. The only crisis we're in is that the government spent waaaaaay too much (apologies to Mike Reagan) and we're so far in debt that it's not even funny any more.
Thank G-d that people on this forum have seen the light and know what a Socialist Liberal Obama is.

Oh, wait! The KGB is coming after me! I said something against the Supreme Leader.

You, seem to be a great fan of Obama but I still believe their is some time before you declare him a social liberal.
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