Will the new administration save US?

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Actually the world war ended the depression not redistribution. Steal to survive how about work thats how I survive. I have little education after high school nothing was handed to me I have done this on my own. It's called self pride.

Sir we got to where we are to day because of our free markets and our Republic. Not due to socialism, I believe it is our social programs and policy that have gotten us into this mess.

On the post office comment the post office losses money every year thus the taxes. In the real world companies like that close or change thier policies to make a profit, only government can sustain a losing idea.

I'm glad you feel you are initialed to take money from me because you have less, where I come from thats stealing. I guess you might not understand that if you played sports where scores where not kept.

Keep listening to your liberal teaches and kept up the good work you'll ruin all of us someday
Will the new administration save US?

No. We will never be saved until we get an administration that understands Austrian economics. Until then, we are doomed to have the same government expansion, monetary inflation, debt driven financial system we've had for the past few decades.
Obama couldnt save a drowning ant.and the point isnt to save the usa its to remove its sovereignty with the handing over of our financial institutions to the IMF via the copenhagen treaty . Where we will be in a group of 20 nations , some of which are violent human rights offenders, and our group think in economics for mainstreet america will either fly out or stall with an IMF world banke header affixed to the page.

Only the populace of any given nation can save it by first saving themselves and second removing the banking and corporate criminals.
^It makes me smile in my heart to hear more people understand this.

If that treaty comes to pass in December as is planned, we may as well change our country name to the United State of G20.

Bush term 3 has doomed us all.

I was born with this out look, friend. I have never said anything other than this ever 😀 I think I woke up to this stuff before the age of 12. Dont ask me why I just knew it.
I don't exactly know why so many Americans dislike Obama - He's got something none of your presidents have had since JFK. Respect and trust from almost every nation in the world.

Bush Jr. was Retarded beyond belief, how he got elected TWICE beats me.

Wake up and smell the coffee America - You consume 3/4 of the worlds rescources while being under 300 billion people.

Obama is working wonders, he's trying to turn your selfcentered ways down and doing what he can for the masses.

I'm from Denmark - A country where we pay around 60% in taxes, yet still we are among the happiest nations in the world. This country isn't perfect, we still have idiots like; racists, religious fanatics etc. but they do not have any powers - except freedom of speech.

Give your current president some credit - he is the best one for the job IMO.

Europe doesn't understand that America is a conservative nation. A plurality describe themselves as "conservatives", we don't want the socialist big government policies of Europe, this nation was created to be different from the constitutional monarchies of Europe from inception. The more government does, the more people are taxed, and the bigger government gets, the more power whoever controls the government has over the ordinary citizen. The solution is not to give government power, not to allow government to do things, like void contracts or take over private companies by decree. Unfortunately this has been a losing battle, government has been able to slowly get more and more power and more ability to "do" stuff. Today, the government can just about do anything it wants and that is markedly different from its birth.

I'm glad you're happy paying 60% in taxes. That's why you live in Denmark, but please don't force us to live under your system. There are no emigration restrictions, Americans are free to leave the country and go anywhere else that would make them happier. But there are the rest of us who want a country where merit is rewarded, taxes low, and government unintrusive.

Bush was a terrible president. Poll numbers of 30% approval showed that he pissed off everyone. He got elected because there wasn't a viable alternative, Kerry had changed his stance several times and seemed to be saying whatever the polling data told him to say. Americans don't like politicians who have no core values of their own, who will always go with the sentiment. Wrong or not, that was what Kerry seemed like to me, a Lieberman would have beaten Bush. Bush performed admirably in foreign policy after the decision to invade Iraq had been made. We can debate the decision all day, but once made, it's clear that we can't leave until the country is stabilized or a clear majority of the populace wants us to leave. Despite all the media coverage of extremists, most people still wanted us to stay because they understood that they would be under extremist rule if we left. Want to be short so I'll leave it at that. Bush pissed off liberals with his foreign policy, he pissed off conservatives with his domestic policy that grew government and increased spending. So he ended up pissing off everyone.

Obama is continuing the big government policies that pissed off a lot of Americans with Bush. Like I said, the plurality of Americans are conservatives.

Obama is not doing anything for the masses because it's not his money, it's taxpayer money. That's something that Americans understand but Europeans seem oblivious. In America, the notion that what someone earns is his to keep. There has to be a good reason to tax and take it away. Government doesn't produce anything. It only takes what productive people produce and redistributes that or spends that, the more government spends, the greater the burden on the people to produce. We don't want a large burden, we just want basic government services like roads, education, national defense, a barebones safety net that's already been achieved, nothing more. But today we're being forced to take all these additional government programs that WE will have to pay for. Sometimes what you get is not a good value. It's not worth the price. Same for government. Don't care if it's intended to help the poor, is what is being bought worth the cost? Is it a good value? That question doesn't get asked enough which is why we have all this waste.

Finally, America consumes around 20% of the world's resources but produces 25% of the world's output in global GDP. America is very efficient, it takes a relatively low amount of resources and produces a whole lot from it. It's the countries like Nigeria that are very inefficient, they consume a lot more in resources than they produce. And so what if we consume a lot of resources? It's paid for and it benefits the sellers to have us in the market to buy. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to get as much money for their oil or copper or whatever it is. If anything, the world should try and be more efficient with resources like we are.

Obama is a good public speaker, but there are serious questions as to his leadership abilities and his decision making. All you see is the image, well we don't care about image, we want substance. All of the big proposals like health care, the stimulus, and cap and trade, he's left the drafting of the legislation to Congress instead of writing it himself. That means each bill is stuffed with pork and corruption, giveaways to each Congressperson's home town or state. He should be deciding what exactly is in each bill instead of letting Congress decide everything and just being a spokesperson which is he doing right now. We had hoped he would be a leader, but a leader makes decisions, drafts proposals, not only cheerlead.

The constitutional monarchies have been all but abandoned by nearly every European country, and most operate with a representative democracy like us, but the difference lies in the control the government exercises, as you say, but it does not correlate to the control over the citizens.
Take France, for instance; we see strikes every month, from nearly every major industry, and whats more; the government is powerless to stop it, even though they control more of the social services than our government has control over. We, however, are very afraid of our government; people were afraid to speak out against Bush, there were instances when protesters were corralled into buildings by police to allow Bush to pass through unscathed, we allowed an amendment which denies us our right to privacy (the Patriot Act) and for what? Security? Freedom? "A nation that trades freedom for security is neither free nor secure"

This is an issue mostly of the common good; to properly address this, we must consider both the positive and negative costs (not just monetary) involved with each course of action. You agree that basic needs (police, fire, education, transportation) are necessary, but isn't health care a necessity to? Wouldn't we be better as a society if we were all healthy, and didn't have to worry about how to pay the hospital bills if we get sick?

An interesting point about this is we actually pay more now than if health care were government run (unfortunately this won't probably won't happen for years) due to the overhead taken by the HMOs. It would cost us now, but in the long run, it would pay off.

Unfortunately, if the world consumed resources like we do, the planet would run out of resources very quickly. In terms of effiency, there are many countries more efficient than us, such as the UK (GDP per capita (in US dollars): $36000 vs. energy used per capita (in watts): 5218.2 Watts/ US: GDP per capita (in US dollars): $47000 vs. energy used per capita (in watts): 10381.2 Watts), and there are countries even more efficient than the UK.

^This is because our government is designed that way; its not Obama's fault; he has no say in what the laws include, he just gets to say a final "yes" or "no". The legislative branch revises the bill adding whatever it wants before voting, then it goes to the other group of legislation, where it gets revised even more. Our system is designed this way so power can't be abused, but with a two-party system, its very easy to abuse it, since one party will nearly always have a majority.

One unfortunate problem is that everyone has a price; even Hillary Clinton, one of the leaders in one of the first attempts at a health care reform, was boughten by the Insurance companies for silence.

obama is no JFK :non: You know where obama gets his jfk appeal? his main speechwriter behind the scenes went to jfk's speechwriter and plugged him for input. that is a fact. Obamas speech style is nothing more than a plagiarized JFK style.
JFK was going after the same group that the founding fathers warned about .
Obama is just another puppet for the same people.
Most of our presidents were related , do you know what that is? An oligarchy, whereas our contractually guaranteed form of government is republican; any clue as to what that means?

It means the people rule their government, the people rule period.

Obama has handed out over a trillion dollars so far and to whom? the people that created this mess/

Ever read about the Brettin woods agreement and the acceptance of the fed?

You foreigners have alot to learn about reading between the lines of another countries eleoquent and dualistic leaders bullshit speaches. No offense but here in america the revolution still means something.

And that's all fine and dandy. It's great that the world looks upon our new leader with more respect than Bush and that's an unde4rstandable feeling given the presentation angles of Bush and Obama.

But what the rest of the world doesn't understand that many of us in America do is that he is perpetuating a problem that is moving towed the very destruction of our country.

Think about. Do you want a president that foreign nations think is nice yet is doing all he can to devalue your currency and bankrupt the country?

What good is a well liked president when he no longer has a country to preside over?
whats more is that , there is an incredible disconnect in danish thinking going on and I dont have to just pick on my own ethnicity here I could say that about every populace. I am 4th generation danish american.
Complacency is a hideous human habbit.
the danes ruled the scandanavian countries for 500 years and around 1020 ce ruled brittain, there are some alternative historians that attribute the rise of south american cultures to king dan 1 and the navaho namesake according to the same is traced back to earlier names for the tribe wich mean Dan.
As outrageous as this sounds semitic cuneiform was in fact found in south america on 2 relics, a statue and a bowl.

denmark as you know is spelled danmark as well and Dan was the child of Judah and his maid , in hebrew dan means judge.

so to get to the point of the modern danish disconnect, it would appear that for all their history the danes have become some mighty fine sheep, just on the topic of the lisbon treaty and the subjection of danish sovereignty to a corporate global constitution, Denmark has failed its people and its own history.

If it werent for the fact that the head of the globalist agenda falsely hides behind israel claiming membership, it would be failure to remain loyal to ones own bloodline.
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