Will the NVIDIA GTX 970 run on this power supply?

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Sep 11, 2015
Hey guys!!

I'm building my first PC, and I want to make sure that the GTX 970 that I'm buying will be compatible with the CORSAIR CX600M 600W power supply. Both Newegg links are below:


The specs for GTX 970 say that you need

Power Connector
6-Pin / 8-Pin

Do I need both 6-pin and 8-pin?

My power supply has:

PCI-Express Connector
2 x 6+2-Pin

(not completely sure what that means to be honest)

Will that be fine? I'm on a really tight budget. Just want to make sure I'm not wasting my money. Overall, will the GTX 970 be fine with this power supply. No power issues?

Thanks guys.
Does it need to be Newegg? At NCIX they have a very good deal on the EVGA B2 for ~$45,
even at Newegg it's still fine looking at what you pay for the XFX.The other antec option is a good choice too.The XFX you chose will do fine as well.

One thing isn't really clear.Do you already own the CX600M?

Thanks! LOL, I don't have enough money for that yet. 😛
That PSU is a tier 4 PSU, wouldn't reccomend running two on them lol let alone overclocking your system on one.
To run one will be fine, and yes you need a 6pin and a 6pin+2pin connector to give the card full power. The PCI Express Connector is a cable from your PSU
Check hte image below for a 6pin + 8 pin connector

Your system will be fine though, i would still reccomend changing your PSU to atleast a tier 3 PSU, refer to this guide:http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-2547993/psu-tier-list.html

Tier Four
No Japanese capacitors found. Only Taiwanese capacitors and may even include Chinese capacitors. Very basic safety circuits or even thin gauge wiring used. Not for gaming rigs or overclocking systems of any kind. Avoid unless your budget dictates your choice.
You will only have to replace in the future.

Your current PSU will be OK, give it a go first and see what happens. The 970 is only a 150w card and mine use less than that when running under full load.
Oh ok. I'll try it out and tell you how it goes! It does have all the power pins required by GTX 970 right? That 6+2 pin would count as 8?

Whoa, thanks @jackgroves!!! That's an awesome deal! I noticed though, there isn't any support for Haswell? Does that make a difference. I've listed what I'm going to buy:

CPU: Intel i5 4690k
RAM: Crucial 2x8GB UDIMM
Case: Vivo Mid ATX Case
PSU: Undecided, most likely the SeaSonic one...

My CX750M cannot handle overclocking my CPU or GPU, as it is a tier 4 PSU.
Although it runs games at high/ultra settings quite well.

GPU - GeForce GTX 780 Ghz Edition
CPU - AMD(FX)8350-8 core 4ghz (OC'd to 4.8ghz for 5 minutes until my computer powered off)
Mobo - Crosshair V Formula-Z
RAM - 16gb (1600mhz)
HDD - 1tb
PSU - Corsair CX750M (replacing ASAP)


stop reccomending him a tier 4 psu

Hmmm, I see... so that original Tier 4 Corsair's out of the question cause I think I'll be overclocking a lot.


Yer its not but you can overcome this read below 😉
Haswell PSU:
Enabling the low-power state for a Haswell setup (socket 1150 motherboards) will cause the computer to crash coming out of Standby.

The ONLY solutions are:
a) Disable the low-power state (C6/C7; see motherboard though it may not refer to it by name)

b) Avoid Standby (Hibernate or Off)

c) Buy a compatible Power Supply
(reccomended you another with haswell ready):
$85 though http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151119&cm_re=seasonic_g-series-_-17-151-119-_-Product
haswell ready, 3rd tier PSU.
20+4pin mobo connector
80plus gold
2x 6+2pin connector

Hope that helps

There is no harm in trying what he's got, if the OP is going to start OC'ing the snot out everything then that's a different matter but the current PSU will run everything at stock clocks I reckon.

Does the 20+4pin matter though (because my motherboard is 24 pin) or is that fine?

20+4pin is 24 pin 😉 they are connected together but elder boards have 20pins, but 24pin for most now. So it is fine trust me , the cables are a split cable towards the end.

Thanks dude!!! Most likely going to pick up that 85$ one, what do you think of this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438014&cm_re=600w_power_supply-_-17-438-014-_-Product

No problem, and its alright, not been tiered yet but the b2 are tier two looks good though evga are good :)

OK, I just found out what the tiers actually meant 😀. So I've narrowed my search to either XFX, EVGA, Rosewill, or Seasonic.

This is what I have in mind: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207013

It seems like a Tier 2? Can anyone confirm?

Will the 550W be enough for my build with some overclocking? Build specs:

i5 4690k
3 120mm fans (including CPU fan)
1 140mm fan (including PSU fan)

I entered this into the power estimator, it gave me about 350 watts... seems a bit fishy though.
Does it need to be Newegg? At NCIX they have a very good deal on the EVGA B2 for ~$45,
even at Newegg it's still fine looking at what you pay for the XFX.The other antec option is a good choice too.The XFX you chose will do fine as well.

One thing isn't really clear.Do you already own the CX600M?

No, I don't own anything yet. Haven't bought anything. I don't live in the US, and the prices in Australia are so expensive I would rather ship it tbh. example: GTX 970 here is $450 while in the US its only $300. So... what do you recommend? AFAIK, NCIX only ships to the US. Can't ship from Newegg unless I go to the Australia website where everything is super expensive. So... I'm stuck with Amazon which is kinda expensive. Is the Evga B1 600 worth it? It's much cheaper.

I've heard that Amazon's shipping to Australia is OK. So, I looked at some models. How are they?



If these are not good, then I'll have to go for the B2 750W.

Thanks for the help so far!! 😀
The XFX would do fine looking at these,but there are probably reasons why the psu's in your country are that expensive.Not because of vendors asking ridiculous prices (i hope),but taxes to be paid and other import costs.You probably will make those kind of costs too.Make sure you will be cheaper by buying via Amazon.

Other good modular option,
May seem to be abit low on wattage,but for a 4690K and a gtx 970 plus some other components should it be enough.When getting a r9 390 for instance would i go a little higher.

An Australian list via the partpicker for a comparison,
depends whether you want modular or not .Wattage is up to you.

Actually, instead of the 520W, I might get the 620W (HCG620M)at 79$. Do you think it's more worth it to get the 520W? Can I still overclock?
Well 520watts should be enough even when overclocking,but if you feel safer with 620 go for it.
Understand that his gpu pulls more than the gtx 970,also it is watts pulled from the wall,effciency still comes into play which means that with a rig like that you would look at 90% of that max of 430watt that the pc really uses and the psu's rated capacity is what it really can deliver to the pc.
That's awesome!!! How much power do you think it will draw though if I overclock CPU to 4.3Ghz and GPU to 1300Mhz. I have a couple of 120mm and 1 140mm fan.

I have 1 SATA 7200RPM, 16GB DDR3 RAM. Looked at the video... I feel as if I should take the 520W. Its 15$ cheaper. Do you think though, that in the future, if I bought another NVIDIA card, that 620W could handle SLI? I don't NEED SLI, just curious if I spend 15$ more, SLI could be a possibility

Thanks for the help dude!

UPDATE: If I go to a power calculator, it asks for how many PCI-E sound cards and stuff. I plan to only have integrated sound cards and ethernet cards. Is that included in the motherboard power or is that seperate? For example, if I have an integrated sound card, should I say on the calculator that I have "Standard sound card" on PCI-E cards?

I did the power calculator, with 1 standard sound card, 1 standard ethernet cards, and an overclocked CPU

The result: http://imgur.com/Kmiq1Ow

The max power/load is only 410 but the recommended is 510W....
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