Will this pc run GTA 5 with some mods installed?

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dragos popa

Jul 23, 2015
Hello,I just want to ask of this pc will run GTA 5 with some mods on.

A whole build? Well, then I need to ask a few questions...

- What's your budget?
- In what resolution are you going to play?
- Do you expect to play most games at ultra or minimum/medium will suffice for you?
- Where are you from?

I assumed you were gonna build a CPU instead of buying one already made (as the one you linked), which is in fact, the biggest scam of all times.
There should be a law about calling your system a "gaming computer" if they mean "gaming for games 5 years old or older".
You can look on the forum and do a search for your budget to see if people have some builds around your price. For GTA 5 you are probably looking at a $500 system, maybe a bit more if you include the operating system license. Maybe a system with an AMD A8 or A10 can run it a Low, Low-medium at 720 resolution which would save you about 100 on a video card.
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